Daily Record


The latest on Tierney’s £25m move to Arsenal


are set to boot out Arsenal’s second bid for Kieran Tierney today – but a deal appears to be inching towards completion nonetheles­s. Weekend reports claimed the Gunners

SO now it comes down to the tickly bit for Celtic and Kieran Tierney.

When Arsenal upped their offer over the weekend the Premier League side still managed to fall some way short of meeting the valuation placed on Tierney, 22, by chief executive Peter Lawwell.

Yes, an array of various clauses and trigger points might, eventually, see Celtic achieve the magical number of £25million but the actual nuts and bolts of the latest bid equate to a sum far less than that.

Even though the potential numbers involved are eye-watering there seems little point in accepting a propositio­n that might depend on Arsenal winning everything from the boat race to the next Brexit vote and then throwing a double six before it fully materialis­es.

No, the truth of the matter is that a constructi­ve dialogue has been ongoing between the clubs pretty much since Celtic rejected an opening punt of £15m. But as of last night Celtic have not been made an offer they deem as acceptable for a player they remain reluctant to sell.

Even if Lawwell did want to cash in on Tierney now he would not agree to do so for the money on the table. But that doesn’t mean Arsenal are not getting close to tweaking it into something more acceptable. Perhaps very close.

Because as much as Lawwell and, more to the point, manager Neil Lennon may desperatel­y want Kierney to remain at the club they must realise too the player himself is reaching a defining moment in his own career.

The minute Arsenal or Italian club Napoli – engaged in this discussion without yet showing their financial hand – actually do meet Celtic’s valuation is the moment Tierney will be faced with the biggest decision of his young life.

As a dyed-in-the-wool Celtic supporter the very idea of walking out on this club at any time – never mind one as momentous and potentiall­y historic as this – will feel like an act of betrayal. He will be hugely conflicted and his family too will feel understand­ably torn.

While they consider themselves dedicated and committed Celtic supporters they must make the best interests of their boy the absolute priority.

And the more they agonise the more likely they are to come to an inevitable conclusion. That Tierney’s time here is up.

In many ways they have Andy Robertson to thank for that. The Liverpool left-back recently rubbished claims he had personally talked Tierney into testing himself in England’s top flight but, in this particular case, his actions speak louder than his words could.

Robertson’s achievemen­ts over the last two years have been extraordin­ary. He has competed in back-to-back Champions League finals, conquering Europe in May, captaining his country and being talked about as the best left-back in the world.

Not that long ago he wasn’t even considered the best left-back from Glasgow. Robertson and Tierney really were nip and tuck back then which is probably why Arsenal boss Unai Emery feels so compelled to force his employers to turn out their pockets in pursuit of the Celtic man.

Emery must be banking on Tierney doing at the Emirates what Robertson has done at Anfield.

And the very same thoughts must be keeping Tierney awake at night too. Yes, he may well bleed green and white but he would not be human if he wasn’t looking at Robertson’s meteoric rise and wondering how far he too could climb if he was not bashing his head off Celtic’s glass ceiling.

On the other hand, should he feel compelled to hang around to play a part in Celtic’s quest for titles No.9 and 10, that perceived gap between Tierney and Robertson might never be bridged. The longer he stands still the less valid any comparison will become.

That Celtic have already recruited a potential replacemen­t in Boli Mbombo points to where Tierney’s head might be at as the crucial moment draws closer.

Yes, Lennon might have been looking for cover even if Tierney had no intention of leaving but it’s doubtful the manager would have been backed to the tune of £3m to secure an extra bum for his bench.

And the manner in which Lennon has been talking up the Belgian’s qualities also suggests Mbombo has a considerab­le role to play in Celtic’s coming campaign.

As things stand Lawwell and Lennon have two quality left-backs on the books but between them they cannot come up with a right-back for love nor money.

If Tierney is to move on they’ll be left with a bigger stockpile of millions while still striving to source someone for the other side of the pitch because money was not the barrier where failed moves for Huddersfie­ld’s Tommy Smith and Luton’s Jack Stacey were concerned.

That’s another reason why Tierney will know the time is right. With four years left on a lucrative contract at Parkhead he could see it out, retire at 26 and never have to work another day in his life

But even although money is not the issue, even if he’s taking home in the region of £30,000 a week in Glasgow he still stands to treble, maybe even quadruple that amount overnight.

Most importantl­y, if he does decide to go, Tierney will be unlocking the next level of his own career and Robertson is proof there is no price to be put on that.

Now Arsenal are inching closer to making the numbers work, Tierney is about to confronted by his ultimate dilemma. A tickly bit that satisfies almost no one.

‘Helander has wasted no time saying he is here to fill his trophy cabinet. If Celtic play both Edouard and Griffiths the only thing he will be filling is his underwear!’

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