Daily Record

Painter’s outburst after shop closure


BY JENNIFER HYLAND – staff were paid, two days early, and we were NOT.”

Steven said his business had given half a million pounds to charity and added: “Comments coming from SOME and I say SOME people in Ayr is beyond belief when you consider our donations to the street, town and region.

“I GET hate mail, had extreme multiple DEATH threats, WHY COZ I PAINT???

“Slagging my name, hate messages, slating my staff, horrendous harassment... Honestly you’ve no idea.

“What the f*** has society come to... I love my country and all I’m trying to do is show our beauty and culture and constantly ALL I get is massive abuse.

“I’ll paint to I drop and no one will ever stop that – ever. So bring it on you evil, green-eyed people.

“I’ve had the lot, nothing will ever stop me.”

Steven, 47, was accused of failing to return calls from staff after the unannounce­d closure. He and wife Caroline, 50, are understood to have employed more than 30 people at one stage.

On the same day staff claim they were told they were out of a job, Steven wrote on the Steven Brown Art Official Fan Page on Facebook: “I can’t believe what I’m seeing on here... DO NOT panic or start rumours NOR listen to any. We’re back online tomorrow and the store in Ayr is going to be refurbed.

“We are now having a extremely well-deserved break. So you lot just calm down and wait for the NEW launch soon.”

In April, another shop in Ayr and one in Glasgow’s Silverburn mall shut.

Steven did not respond to requests for comment. We called a helpline for people with outstandin­g orders but it rang out.

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