Daily Record

Mum: Expose the truth


THE Associatio­n for Children Damaged by Hormone Pregnancy Tests has been instrument­al in the Government review into public health scandals – including hormone pregnancy test drug Primodos.

The drug, made by Schering, was taken off the market in 1978 – by that point 1.5million women had taken it. Campaigner­s believe it was responsibl­e for causing thousands of baby abnormalit­ies.

Bayer, which acquired Schering in 2006, denies that Primodos was responsibl­e for causing any deformitie­s in children.

The Associatio­n for Children Damaged by Hormone Pregnancy Tests is chaired by Marie Lyon, whose daughter Sarah was born missing her left arm after Marie took Primodos in 1970 when pregnant.

Marie, 73, from Wigan, said: “It was my first pregnancy so I didn’t have a clue but my doctor advised me to take them so I did.

“When Sarah was born I didn’t connect the drugs I’d taken with her missing limb.

“They told me it was just one of those things.”

In 1978, the Associatio­n was formed. Marie was contacted by a member and realised that the pregnancy test pills described where the ones she had taken.

Marie, who became chair of the Associatio­n in 2012, said: “We want resolution from the Independen­t Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review.

“They are to come back with recommenda­tions and we want those recommenda­tions to say that there were regulatory failures by the Committee on Safety of Drugs and the Committee on Safety of Medicines.

“We also want them to look at the evidence and say that the drug company knew about Primodos but did nothing about it. It needs to be exposed. The public need to know.

“They need to know that today our members are still being failed by the Commission on Human Medicines because they refute scientific evidence from independen­t scientists who have shown there is a link between Primodos and abnormalit­ies.”

For more details about the Associatio­n see www. hormonepre­gnancytest­s.org.uk

 ??  ?? CAMPAIGNER Marie Lyon

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