Daily Record

No compassion and no humanity

Lawyer blasts vile thug who beat up security man then reversed over him in his works van

- BY WILMA RILEY reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

A VIOLENT thug was yesterday convicted of murdering a security supervisor by beating him then reversing over him in his own works van – as he lay unconsciou­s.

When callous 22-year-old Scott Pearson was told his victim, dad-offour Mohammed Abu Sammour, was lying behind the van, he said: “I don’t care” and carried on reversing.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that Mohammed suffered horrific injuries including fractures to his skull, face and ribs.

He was partially scalped and both legs were badly injured.

The vicious attack, which left four young boys without a father, took place at a Taylor Wimpey building site at Newarthill, Lanarkshir­e, in the early hours of October 28 last year.

Judge Lord Burns told Pearson he is facing a life sentence but deferred sentence until next month for background reports.

He said: “You have been convicted of the murder of Mr Sammour and I will require to get more informatio­n about your background.”

The court heard that Pearson, his co-accused Ryan Hunter, 28, who pled guilty to culpable homicide before the start of the trial, and an 18-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, walked through the building site as a shortcut.

They saw Mohammed’s Osprey works van and planned to steal it.

But Mohammed was inside the van and sprang out and tried to chase them away.

However, he was hit first by the 18-year-old and then by Pearson. Both, the court heard, were wearing knuckledus­ters.

Mohammed was stamped on and knocked unconsciou­s to the ground by Pearson.

All three piled into the van with Pearson driving. He began reversing. Hunter told him that Mohammed might be lying behind the van and he replied: “I don’t care”.

A home owner in the developmen­t heard the sound of voices, a van revving, a thud and went out and found Mohammed lying in the road.

Paul Armstrong, 47, said: “The gentleman’s left leg was badly distorted, it was all out of shape. The injuries to the gentleman’s face, it was as if he had a mask on. The skin was all hanging off the side of his head.” Paul told the jury that he and his wife waited with Mohammed for about 10 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. A paramedic and a doctor who treated Mohammed said he appeared to be saying prayers. He died in Wishaw General Hospital at 2.02am. Mohammed’s van had a tracker fitted and this pinpointed everywhere the accused drove that night. CCTV footage was obtained and two community cops identified one of the men caught on film as Pearson.

Police sent to arrest Pearson found him hiding under his bed at his family home in Newarthill.

Lawyer Aamer Anwar said widow Fidaa Abu Sammour was grateful to the judge and jury for giving her justice. He added: “Mohammed Abu Sammour was a peaceful, kind man who showered his children and wife with love and affection.

“The killers showed Mrs Sammour’s husband no compassion or humanity and she states that she will carry the grief of his loss until her dying breath. In the end, the name of Mohammed Abu Sammour will live on through their four sons long after the names of his killers have turned to dust.”

Detective Inspector David Pinkney of the Major Investigat­ion Team thanked Mohammed’s family for their strength and courage throughout the investigat­ion.

 ??  ?? GRIEVING Fidaa Abu Sammour GUILTY Scott Pearson will be sentenced next month VICTIM Mohammed Abu Sammour, above. Left, Pearson, front, and Hunter
GRIEVING Fidaa Abu Sammour GUILTY Scott Pearson will be sentenced next month VICTIM Mohammed Abu Sammour, above. Left, Pearson, front, and Hunter

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