Daily Record



They may have written the script but that doesn’t mean Greg and Ford know it all. They are looking very serious as they point to someone off camera. Maybe they’re telling Winston to put his leg away. And yes, we’ve tried to zoom in on the script but we can’t make out anything. Has Boaby finally bested Jack and Victor? Ford and Greg look miserable while Gavin enjoys a hallelujah moment. For nine series, Boaby has tried to make Jack and Victor look foolish when they walk into the Clansman. But every time one of the old pals would come back with a withering or mean putdown. Maybe the pint puller will finally get his revenge? What is shopkeeper Navid telling his cleaner Isa as Tam and Winston look on? Actress Jane McCarry looks like she’s in shock – which, given that Isa knows everything that’s going on in Craiglang even before it happens, is a surprise. Fans have wondered if Navid would leave wife Meena for Isa ever since their 2007 Hogmanay smooch. Maybe this is the moment Navid finally declares his love? You wait for a bus… The gang are queueing up for laughs – or have they spotted Nessie? While Boaby looks puzzled, Isa looks excited. Maybe Jack and Victor have done something she can gossip about? It’s the New Ronnies. Glasses on or off? While most going to the Clansman want their glasses to be full of beer, or a sweet sherry in Isa’s case, in this photo Navid and Boaby are not sure. Boaby will probably be asking soon enough, “Whurr’s ma glesses”, as they perch on his head.

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