Daily Record

Poverty trapped

Tory policies may see more children face a bleak future


GORDON Brown’s bleak warning that Scotland is becoming “two nations” is further proof of the damage cause by the Tories’ austerity agenda.

The former prime minister predicts child poverty is set to reach 70 per cent in some deprived areas and describes the situation as a “full-blown emergency”.

Brown is in no doubt who the main culprits are in this national tragedy.

Since 2010, the callous Conservati­ves have abandoned the needy and Tory welfare changes have harmed the most vulnerable in society. Not because the Government couldn’t afford to do more but because, ideologica­lly, they hold the poor in contempt.

Brown believes the SNP Government could do more but they have done much to mitigate the damage the Tories have caused – not least by blunting the hated bedroom tax north of the Border. But the best way to end child poverty is to get rid of the Tories.

GORDON Brown has warned Scotland is becoming “two nations” and claims child poverty could rocket to 70 per cent in some areas.

The former Labour prime minister fears there could be nearly 400,000 children in poverty in the next few years – with families in the most deprived communitie­s hit hardest.

He said: “This is a full-blown emergency – destroying the life chances of the most vulnerable children and depriving them of the opportunit­y they need.”

About 240,000 children are currently described as living in poverty north of the Border – a figure that has increased dramatical­ly following Tory welfare changes.

The Scottish Government has targets to reduce poverty and recently outlined plans for a £10-a-week payment for low-income families.

Brown, who as Labour chancellor brought in anti-poverty measures such as the minimum wage and tax credits, claimed Tory policies and SNP Government inaction were responsibl­e for the increases. He said child poverty currently stood at 41 per cent and 49 per cent respective­ly in Glasgow’s Canal and Calton areas, 36 per cent in Buckhaven in Fife, and 38.68 per cent in Kirkcaldy East.

During a speech in St Andrews, Brown said: “This is just the start of our poverty emergency.

“I calculate that in Calton, Canal, Buckhaven and Kirkcaldy East, under figures provided by advisers to the Scottish Government, child poverty could increase far beyond 50 per cent of all children in the area and in one case nearer to 70 per cent of all children.”

He said poverty levels for children in lone-parent families would soar from 90,000 to more than 140,000, while the figure for the number of unemployed would jump from 56 per cent to 91 per cent. Brown pinned the blame on Tory policies such as the benefit freeze and the introducti­on of the two-child limit for social security payments.

He said the number of children in larger families in poverty could rise to 125,000.

He called for three measures to “halt the rising tide of poverty” and boost the opportunit­ies of 100,000 Scottish children.

He wants an end the “iniquitous” two-child policy, backed raising the child element of the Universal Credit payment by £40 a week and said a “special additional payment” of £40 should be introduced for the under 6s.

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said: “We’re taking direct action to ensure lowincome households are protected.

“We recently announced £1million to help people struggling with food insecurity and this week set aside a further £7million for a rapid poverty mitigation fund to protect those most at risk as a result of a ‘no-deal’ EU exit.

“Scotland is the only UK country with ambitious targets to eradicate child poverty and we’re taking bold action to support families at every stage of life.”

 ??  ?? RUNDOWN Two boys play in a Glasgow street. Pic: Getty
RUNDOWN Two boys play in a Glasgow street. Pic: Getty
 ??  ?? WARNING Gordon Brown
WARNING Gordon Brown

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