Daily Record

I found patient naked on floor, nappies all around.. the house smelled of urine



BY CONNOR GORDON A DOCTOR told a trial of a man accused of killing his wife that it’s one of the worst cases she has dealt with in 32 years.

Mary Eason, 59, believed Maureen Crilley, 67, was going to die at her home in Clydebank, in September 2017.

The doctor found the pensioner lying on her back naked in her living room with one sock on.

She couldn’t properly examine Maureen – who later died in hospital – as she was in so much pain.

The woman’s husband Neil Crilley, 77, yesterday went on trial at the High Court in Glasgow, charged with culpable homicide.

Prosecutor­s claim Crilley knew

his wife was “immobilise­d” after suffering from injury and infection.

Maureen is said to have been in need of “medical assistance” and unable to help herself.

The charge states Crilley acted “culpably and recklessly” and with “utter disregard” by leaving his wife on the floor. Maureen was so severely injured and infected she later passed away. Crilley, of the town’s Whitecrook, denies the charge. The court heard Dr Eason attended to the call at Crilley’s house while working as an out-of-hours GP. She told jurors there was a clear smell of urine when she entered the property. She found Maureen lying on the living room floor surrounded by nappies. Dr Eason said: “She was naked with one sock on her right foot. I couldn’t make out what she was saying as her mouth was dry. “This was one of the worst cases I have seen in my career. My first thought was I need to get her to a hospital immediatel­y. Any time I touched her, it was obvious that she recoiled and moaned. I thought she might die.”

Crilley told Dr Eason that his wife had fallen. She believed that one of Maureen’s legs was broken and called an ambulance.

Maureen’s three sisters said Crilley was controllin­g over his wife.

Prosecutor Richard Goddard QC asked her younger sister Margaret, 68, if their marriage was happy, she replied: “No, she was too frightened.”

Another sister Helen Jamieson, 63, said she was called an “ugly lazy b ***** d” by Crilley.

Helen added that Crilley called his wife an “ugly dwarf ” during an argument.

The accused denies separate allegation­s of being threatenin­g and abusive towards his wife and Helen. The trial, before judge Lord Burns, continues.

 ??  ?? CHARGED Crilley outside court
CHARGED Crilley outside court
 ??  ?? Crilley MARRIED with Maureen
Crilley MARRIED with Maureen

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