Daily Record

Diana gives Glasto her Endless Love

Aid crisis fears as leaders slam blitz on Kurds in Syria


BY TOM BRYANT DIANA Ross will reign Supreme at next year’s Glastonbur­y Festival after signing for its legends slot.

The Motown star, 75, is the first artist confirmed for 2020 and follows icons including Dolly Parton and Lionel Richie.

The Endless Love singer said: “This is a dream come true. To all the fans, this is my tribute to you. I’m coming to Glastonbur­y, with love.”

Organiser Emily Eavis said she was “delighted” to have Diana on board. BY CHRIS HUGHES OUTRAGED world leaders have condemned Turkey’s blitz on Kurdish positions in Syria and warned it amounts to “ethnic cleansing”.

Thousands of Syrian National Army members loyal to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime have joined the assault on the Kurds, left exposed by President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of US troops.

Erdogan claims he is creating a safe buffer zone on the north-east border of Syria and bragged that his commandos – backed by air strikes and armoured divisions – had killed more than 100 terrorists by the onslaught’s second day.

But leaders warn the campaign will spark a fresh wave of terror attacks and fears are rising that civilians are at risk from indiscrimi­nate bombing.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Israel condemns Turkey’s military invasion into Kurdish regions in Syria. Israel is warning of an ethnic cleansing against the Kurds by Turkey and its proxies. Israel will make every effort to offer humanitari­an assistance to the brave Kurdish people.”

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio added: “We condemn it... because military action in the past has always led to more terrorism. We call for an immediate end to this offensive, which is not acceptable given the use of force continues to endanger the Syrian people, who have already experience­d tragedy.”

Aid organisati­ons also warned of a civilian “catastroph­e” as key supplies were expected to be cut off and humanitari­an efforts stifled.

An estimated 450,000 people live within 5km of the Syria-Turkey border and at least 90,000 are already refugees from elsewhere. By yesterday afternoon, it was feared up to 65,000 had fled as Turkish troops advanced.

Many previously fled Isis forces – which it is feared will spread fresh terror from sleeper cells, or if freed from prison. Kurdish authoritie­s revealed a prison hit by Turkish shelling holds could have freed terrorists. The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces hold thousands of Isis fighters and tens of thousands of their relatives.

SDF spokesman Mustafa Bali said yesterday their fighters have repelled Turkish ground attacks. Israel’s Netanyahu

 ??  ?? Smoke from shelling at Ras al-Ein
Smoke from shelling at Ras al-Ein
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 ??  ?? ‘DREAM’ Diana Ross
‘DREAM’ Diana Ross

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