Daily Record

Why did the comic KO his boxer cousin? He didn’t like the punchline

Fight star Collins now grabs limelight like funnyman ‘Bobby’


NATHANIEL COLLINS is hoping to follow in the footsteps of his famous comedian cousin – but for delivering knock-out blows rather than punchlines.

The featherwei­ght prospect from Bearsden has seen actor and stand-up Darren Connell grab the spotlight in his family but is on the fast track to making a name for himself in boxing.

Unbeaten Collins grabbed the Celtic title with his win against Monty Ogilvie at the weekend and the fighter nicknamed Nightmare already has a reputation for being a showman.

It helps having the guidance of big cuz Connell who is famous for playing lovable bam Bobby in the smash-hit BBC show Scot Squad.

Collins said: “It would be good to get some of the limelight for a change! In fairness he’s always giving me shout-outs on Twitter.

“Darren and the rest of the family have been really supportive and always come to my fights.

“Maybe some things run in the family. I like to put on a show in my fights, sticking on the mask and things like that.

“You look at guys like Prince Naseem Hamed a few years ago. People loved his fights because of the show he put on.

“It’s one thing playing to the crowd though – you need to be able to back it up. I know I can. I couldn’t do what Darren does though, it would be too nervewrack­ing on stage.”

Connell, who made his name on the stand-up scene before hitting the big time on television, has been cheering on his cousin and is no stranger to the ring himself.

The Springburn actor was in the wrestling squared circle at the same time Collins was becoming Celtic champ.

Connell said: “The stand-up is nerve-wracking but at least I’m not going out there to get punched. I’ve had beer glasses chucked mind you!

“I suppose it’s similar in that you’re on your own with nowhere to hide. But the boxing is a totally a different beast. We both get a lot of the same questions about tickets mind you. He doesn’t get asked if he knows Kevin Bridges though!

“I remember our gran’s 90th birthday and everyone was getting into the buffet and munching cake. I asked Nate how come he wasn’t eating and he said he was preparing for a fight. F*** that!

“The family are really cool with it. No one mentions things

too much, it’s dead down to earth and they’ve all been really supportive of the both of us.”

Connell – gearing up for panto before the Glasgow Comedy Festival in March – shed four stone after chucking the bevvy and becoming a vegan but won’t be lacing up the gloves any time soon.

He said: “Grado asked me to turn up as Bobby but he didn’t have the costume!

“It was great though. That was a childhood ambition of mine as I loved the wrestling when I was a kid. As for the boxing, no chance. I like the training, it’s the getting hit I’m not too keen on. I got thrown out of the ring on Saturday and landed on my head at the wrestling and that was enough.”

Collins, who fought at the Commonweal­th Games last year before turning pro, admitted his path into boxing was as unconventi­onal as his cousin’s route into comedy.

The 23-year-old said: “You don’t get many fighters from the Mean Streets of Bearsden!

“All my pals in the gym are from places like Robroyston or Maryhill and when we are out and people ask where I’m from they give me a slagging.

“It’s not like it’s a bad thing! I suppose boxers hope to end up in Bearsden rather than start out there. Hopefully I won’t have a Benjamin Button career!” No chance as Collins’ career is going in only one direction. He added: “It’s an exciting time for Scottish boxing and I want to be part of it. There’s Josh Taylor a world champion, Lee McGregor and Kash Farooq fighting for titles, there’s a bunch of talented fighters coming through. I want to be fighting for world titles one day. I’ll stick to the boxing and leave comedy to Darren.”

 ??  ?? TOP SQUAD Collins and Connell, right, as on-screen character Bobby
TOP SQUAD Collins and Connell, right, as on-screen character Bobby
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? GLOVING LIFE Collins, right, Connell and Scot Squad co-star Grado, below
GLOVING LIFE Collins, right, Connell and Scot Squad co-star Grado, below

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