Daily Record

Cup specialist Forrest can’t wait for first Old Firm silverware shootout


JAMES FORREST is thrilled to finally get a crack at rivals Rangers in a Hampden showpiece.

The Celtic star has hoovered up 17 winner’s medals at Parkhead but has never been involved in an Old Firm cup final.

Forrest wasn’t part of the squad the last time the bitter rivals squared up for a trophy, when Gers lifted their last piece of major silverware in the 2001 League Cup.

Celts bagged their place in this season’s showpiece with Saturday’s thumping 5-2 win over Hibs then watched their old foes set up the glamour showdown by beating Hearts 24 hours later.

Forrest said: “It will be a tough game but we’re looking forward to it. In the last few years we’ve played them in semi-finals but to meet them in a final is a big one.

“It’s a big game any time you play against Rangers, home or away in the Cup. “But to do it in a cup final will be huge.” Celtic have won an incredible 30 knockout ties in a row but Forrest is expecting an epic against Gers. He said: “It’s a one-off game and everyone wants to win on the day. The last couple of years the Final has been before Christmas and it has been good for us. “It’s only four weeks away so everyone will be buzzing. It’s difficult to get to the Final but in the past we have won it and it has given

BY MICHAEL GANNON us confidence for the rest of the season. We know it will be tough and we won’t take it for granted.”

Forrest helped send Celts to the Final and fired himself into the frame to create more history.

The wideman has scored in three winning League Cup finals – equalling the feat of Parkhead legend Bobby Lennox.

A fourth would be a first but Forrest is more interested in glory for his club.

He said: “That’s a personal record but if I do manage to score I’ll be helping the team so it would be good all round.

“We are into another final and the team is playing really well. Hopefully we can stick another trophy in the bag.”

Celtic’s incredible cup run stretches back to 2016 when Ronny Deila’s side were beaten by Rangers on penalties in the Scottish Cup semis.

But Forrest admitted the pain of previous knockout blows is driving Celts on.

“Everyone has been in finals and semis when they haven’t won and it just makes you even more determined to win them.

“It’s a great feeling when you do – but the feeling of losing stays with you longer.”

Forrest reckons Celts are in storming form and can’t wait for Thursday’s Europa League clash with Lazio in Rome.

He said: “Since coming back from the last internatio­nal break we have played some of our best stuff.

“All the boys are enjoying themselves and that’s when you get results. We know it will be a hard game against Lazio but we’re looking forward to it.”

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