Daily Record

Teenager shakes in dock as she gets 16 months



A TEENAGE girl shook in the dock yesterday as she was jailed for 16 months for viciously biting the face of a former friend who was going out with her ex.

Danielle Gaffar and her victim Kyra Strachan were still schoolgirl­s at the time of the attack, at a nightclub in Dundee.

Sheriff Tom Hughes rejected defence pleas not to jail Gaffar, a first offender, now 19, branding her actions outrageous and “reprehensi­ble”.

He said: “I have to take into account your age, that you were of previous good character, have been in no trouble since and are genuinely remorseful. But I have to take the view that a custodial sentence is the only possible way of dealing with this because of the severe and brutal nature of the attack.”

Kyra – who was on the public benches at Dundee Sheriff Court to hear the sentence – gasped: “Thank God.”

The court heard that Gaffar and Kyra, who were both 18 at the time, were formerly close friends but there had been a “disagreeme­nt” .

Prosecutor Kirsten Letford said: “At the time of the offence, the complainer was in a relationsh­ip with a man who was formerly the partner of the accused.”

She said Kyra had been on the dance floor of the Aura nightclub when she was attacked from behind.

A friend of Kyra’s tried to intervene but Letford said: “The accused then bit her on the right cheek.”

Gaffar was ejected and police were called.

Kyra was taken to hospital and received eight stitches for the bite.

Members of Gaffar’s family shouted, “Stay strong, Danielle,” as she was led to the cells.

Gaffar, of Tealing, Dundee, pled guilty in October to assaulting Kyra to her severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent on February 3 and sentence had been deferred.

Outside court, Kyra said: “I’m happy with the sentence, she deserved it.”

 ??  ?? Kyra Strachan and, right, her face after brutal attack
Kyra Strachan and, right, her face after brutal attack
 ??  ?? VICTIM
 ??  ?? VICIOUS Danielle Gaffar attacked Kyra on dance floor in nightclub
VICIOUS Danielle Gaffar attacked Kyra on dance floor in nightclub

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