Daily Record

In the dock

1 attempted rape 1 intent to rape 2 indecent assaults 10 sexual assaults 10 WOMEN ACCUSE FORMER FIRST MINISTER OF ATTACKS


A NAKED Alex Salmond stripped a woman before attempting to rape her on a bed at his official residence while he served as first minister, it was alleged yesterday.

It was also claimed that he intended to rape a second woman by lying on top of her, struggling with her, repeatedly kissing and groping her and pulling up her dress.

The allegation­s were two of 14 charges the 64-year-old former first minister faced at the High Court in Edinburgh.

The ex-SNP leader denies all the claims – made by 10 different complainer­s – which also include 10 alleged sexual assaults and two alleged indecent assaults.

Speaking outside court, Salmond said he was innocent of the charges against him and would defend himself “vigorously” during the trial.

The offences are alleged to have taken place between June 2008 and November 2014 at Bute House, the Ubiquitous Chip restaurant in Glasgow, Ego nightclub in Edinburgh, Stirling Castle and in a vehicle.

At the start of yesterday’s 20-minute procedural hearing, his QC, Gordon Jackson, indicated that Salmond will plead not guilty to all charges.

The court then heard legal discussion­s surroundin­g the disclosure of evidence and other technicali­ties.

Judge Lady Dorrian set the trial date for March 9 next year. The trial is expected to last about four weeks.

Outside court, Salmond said: “As I’m sure you’ll understand, I’m not permitted to say too much today.

“We have lodged our defence statement with the court – it pleads not guilty to all charges and explains some of the circumstan­ces in which they have come about.

“I’m also conscious that we are in the middle of a General Election campaign and I’m not going to say anything which would influence that democratic process.

“We are now into our second year of court actions, first civil and now criminal. It’s now 10 months since we won the civil action.

“I’m innocent and I will defend my position vigorously, but the only place to answer criminal charges is in this court and that’s exactly what we intend to do next spring.”

Salmond’s successor Nicola Sturgeon yesterday said it wouldn’t be appropriat­e for her to comment on the case, adding: “The only thing I would say, as First Minister and as an ordinary citizen, is my only interest is in seeing justice done, whatever that may be.”

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