Daily Record



Dear Coleen

I MET this really nice guy through a running club. It’s been great for me following a divorce and this man turned out to be a very good friend. The problem is, things have kind of gone beyond friendship.

A few of us went for a drink one night and he told me he really liked me and wanted more – he was flirting up a storm. I haven’t been able to sleep since, thinking about it. He’s with someone, though, but says he’s in an open relationsh­ip and they have an agreement.

He’s not the kind of person to lie about something like that.

Do you think I should consider it? I’m not looking for anything serious right now – just a bit of fun and friendship.

Coleen says

I DON’T want to spoil the party but I’d be interested to know if his partner really has agreed to an open relationsh­ip. I have an ex who used to tell women the same thing but it was news to me.

And it’s OK saying now that all you’re after is a bit of fun and friendship but what if you start to feel more? Over the years, I’ve had lots of letters from people in a “friends with benefits” situation, where they’ve developed deeper feelings and just ended up getting hurt.

If he was a single guy, I’d say go for it, have a bit of fun and see where it leads. The fact is, there are loads of people out there to have fun with but this is already complicate­d and you’ll still be his bit on the side – is that what you really want in a relationsh­ip with someone?

The fact you’re writing to me shows you’re not 100 per cent sure and are worried about putting yourself in that situation.

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