Daily Record

Family is now complete with our miracle twins


NICOLA Durward can’t wait to celebrate the first Christmas with her “miracle” identical twins Chloe and Sophia.

She’d been told she couldn’t conceive naturally as her fallopian tubes were blocked. So Nicola, 32, and husband Andrew, 41, from Stirling, underwent IVF to have first daughter Amber, now two.

But the couple were shocked when they conceived their identical twin girls naturally.

Nicola said: “They really are our wee miracles as their older sister was conceived by IVF, so we thought we could never conceive naturally.

“Lo and behold, these two wee crackers came along in August and completed our family.”

Nicola and Andrew, who are both in the police, had been trying for a baby for about four years when tests revealed Nicola’s fallopian tubes were blocked. They managed to have daughter Amber in August 2017 with IVF on the NHS.

“We still had eggs frozen, so we booked an appointmen­t for January this year to look into another round of IVF,” said Nicola.

“I had bad postnatal depression after Amber, so it was a bit of a task deciding whether to try again and consider the amount it puts your body through as well. And we didn’t know if it would work.”

She added: “But five days before the appointmen­t, I found out I was pregnant. It was a complete shock to the system.

“They got me in for an early scan because of the issues to make sure everything was in the right place. The midwife said, ‘Do you see the little heartbeat? And there’s the other heartbeat’. My husband went completely white as a sheet, he was in complete shock. We were delighted. We couldn’t believe it had happened. “It was a wee miracle for us.

“They’d previously done a test where they put a dye through to check my tubes and it didn’t go anywhere, showing they were completely blocked.

“But, somehow, one of the eggs managed to get through and split for identical twins. “We’re having a family Christmas in the house with our parents and I’m really excited about it all.” ♦ For support for twins, triplets and more, go to twinstrust.org

We thought we could never conceive naturally

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DELIGHT Andrew with newborn twins Chloe and Sophia, and Nicola with the girls and daughter Amber, below
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