Daily Record

Festive photos inspired me to lose excess weight


FIONA Ferguson is looking forward to enjoying her first Christmas slim in about 15 years.

She’d been overweight for a long time and, at her heaviest, was 19st 5lbs and a size 22.

Last Christmas, Fiona was still heavy but now she’s shed more than 6st 7lbs with WW – the new Weight Watchers – and got down to 12st 11lbs and a size 10/12 on top and a 14 on the bottom.

Hospital receptioni­st Fiona, 37, lives with partner Kevin McAspurren, 44, a fork-lift driver, and daughter Cara, 16, in East Kilbride.

She said: “I was overweight for quite a long time.

“In 2016, we went on holiday to Spain and I could only just get my plane seatbelt on and I couldn’t get my tray table down at all.

“I was so upset and uncomforta­ble.

“Then, on a Christmas night out, seeing myself in the photograph­s was awful. I didn’t realise I’d got as big. I decided there and then that enough was enough and that after Christmas and New Year I was joining WW again.”

But then in January 2017, Fiona found out her partner was being made redundant, so she waited until the August to join.

She said: “I’d been suffering back pain and the longer I let myself go, the more pain I was suffering. I was always tired and breathless. I walked into WW and was made to feel welcome and at ease with the coach, Michelle Friel.

“I lived on ready meals and was eating too much junk food and takeaways but then I started cooking.”

By last Christmas she’d lost a little weight but still felt heavy as a size 18. She also felt miserable as she suffered from a chest infection and struggled with her asthma.

But now she’s finally shed the excess weight. “It’s the first Christmas I’ve been slim in a long time. I’ve probably not been this way for 15 years,” Fiona said.

“Before, I’d wear leggings and baggy tops but now I’ve started wearing more dresses and bought jeans in a size 14.

“Last Christmas was a wash out but I’m really looking forward to this year and there will be no hiding from the camera.”

There’ll be no hiding from the camera this year

 ??  ?? DELIGHTED Fiona is loving her new slimmed down look
DELIGHTED Fiona is loving her new slimmed down look

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