Daily Record

It’s been so tough on the sidelines .. you take it out on people closest to you which is only human but not a nice thing to do


It has been tough to watch his team-mates shine but he knows Morelos’ incredible form is a major factor in the reasons for his lack of playing time.

The 37-year-old had a combined playing time of just 43 minutes for December before last night’s goalscorin­g return in the capital.

Although he finds it tough missing out, Defoe is aware he needs to stay upbeat for the sake of his team-mates.

Speaking to RangersTV in an interview ahead of kick-off he said: “It’s difficult. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, it has been difficult. I’m not going to sit here and lie and say, ‘Nah, it’s been fine.’

“It has been really tough because at the beginning of the season I was missing a couple of games then I was back in, and I felt like I could keep that level of fitness and sharpness.

“If you’re missing four, five, six games and eventually do

BY MARK McDOUGALL come back you always make sure you’re ready but you don’t want to lose any match fitness. I have not missed any training sessions, I’ve tried to keep myself sharp and fit.

“Obviously it looks like I’m going to play the next two games so I have to be ready.

“When you’re older there’s a certain way you have to try to conduct yourself.

“It’s not always easy because you have to be profession­al but at the same time you’re human and you’re going to be a little bit down when you’re not playing.

“You go home and you take it out on the people who are closest to you which is normal but not nice again.

“It’s important I try to come in and think about the other lads who aren’t playing or can’t get in the squad, the younger lads.

“To try to show them that even if you’re not playing you have to be profession­al and spirits have to be high.”

Asked how excited he was to be facing Hibs, Defoe said:

“I’m looking forward to it. I’ve spoken about match fitness and all that sort of stuff but at the same time I’m lucky because I’m playing in a good team so I always feel that most games you dominate.

“I always believe I’m going to get chances so hopefully if I’m playing in these next two games I’ll manage to get goals and more importantl­y win the games.”

Morelos, meanwhile, has insisted he did not mean to offend Motherwell fans with the gesture that landed him the ban for Easter Road. In an interview in his homeland, the Colombian said: “We have a different culture back home.

“I did not do that celebratio­n with the intention of offending the opposition fans. I celebrate every goal with joy.”

The striker, who has again been linked with big-money moves to England and Europe, insists he remains happy at Ibrox.

He said: “There has never been an offer for me to leave. I am only focused on Rangers.”

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