Daily Record

Christmas craicer


When the crackers have been pulled and the washing up is done, it’s become a tradition for millions of us to sit down and enjoy the riotous merrymakin­g of a double helping from Mrs Brown’s family.

The fun starts on Christmas Day with It’s A Wonderful Mammy, based on James Stewart’s beloved 1946 film. Agnes is in despair and an angel – played by former Corrie star Kevin Kennedy – tries to show her what life without her would be like for her nearest and dearest.

Brendan O’Carroll, who writes the hit sitcom and plays matriarch Agnes, said: “In It’s A Wonderful Life, the angel shows George the impact that he’s had and says, ‘People’s lives are miserable because you aren’t here’. Unfortunat­ely, everyone in Agnes’s life is having a great time – nobody misses her one bit!”

Meanwhile, in the New Year special, Agnes encounters Peggy Piper, who’s been in jail for poisoning her husband Peter by putting poison in his Pernod. You can bet they had fun with that line during filming…

Brendan said: “You’d better believe it!” It’s no surprise the BBC always find room for the Browns in Christmas schedules.

“I think out of the last eight years, we’ve topped the ratings on five occasions but we’re never out of the top five,” added Brendan proudly. Yet the show’s impressive viewing figures don’t make him nervous.

The star, who spends several months a year playing Mrs Brown on stage, between filming commitment­s, said: “I don’t think about critics. I write what I find funny and hope the audience agree.”

Brendan and his wife Jennifer Gibney – who plays Agnes’s daughter Cathy in the show – spend much of their time at their Florida home. But there’s only one place to be at this time of year.

“Christmas is always in Dublin with family,” said Brendan. “Everybody comes for breakfast. Then they head off to have their own lunch. On Christmas night, everyone comes round and we watch the Christmas episode.”

MRS BROWN’S BOYS CHRISTMAS Christmas Day, BBC1, 10.30pm New Year’s Day, BBC1, 10.30pm

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