Daily Record

This is the best show we’ve done. It’s the bee’s knees

- Larry Lamb

The actor returns to his role in Gavin & Stacey this Christmas after its nine-year hiatus. Larry was a regular jobbing actor until 2007, when he was in his 60s, hitting the big time as Mick Shipman in the smash-hit BBC comedy. From there followed the role of Archie Mitchell in EastEnders and Larry – dad to TV presenter George Lamb – also appeared in 2016’s I’m A Celebrity… Will you be watching Gavin & Stacey on Christmas Day?

I’ll be watching with my girls (daughters Eloise and Eva) and their mum (Larry’s ex, Clare Burt). The girls were too young to enjoy it the first time, but they’ve seen the re-runs. For me, this is the best one we’ve ever done – it’s the bee’s knees. It was nerve-wracking – until I found myself laughing like a drain and I knew I needn’t have worried.

Will you watch the Queen’s speech too?

No, but I am a big fan of The Crown, the Netflix drama. I’d waited two years for the third series so meant to take it easy, yet gobbled the whole third series up in two nights.

How was it being reunited with the cast of Gavin & Stacey?

It’s like you’ve gone for a drive in an area that you used to know, and you suddenly decide to drop in on people and see if they’re in. You knock on the door and you pick up from exactly where you left off 10 years ago.

Will there be more episodes?

It will depend on the response. James (Corden) and Ruth (Jones) write their own ticket. You could spend a week trying to get them to do another one but it’s their show.

Do you ever tune in to EastEnders?

I’ll have a little peek on

Christmas Day, just to see what’s going on. Invariably there will be someone getting murdered, divorced or battered to death. I look back at my time on EastEnders very fondly indeed.

How do you feel about getting asked for selfies?

You can’t say no. It’s easier than signing 20 autographs.

Who controls the TV remote?

Oh God, we’re not into all that. I’m not really into telly. Most of the time I watch TV on my iPad.

What do you snack on in front of the TV?

Christmas cake is my downfall. And mince pies. And Quality Street. I might drink a non-alcoholic beer if I’m feeling very festive.

l Gavin & Stacey is on Christmas Day, BBC1, 8.30pm.

‘I’m a big fan of The Crown. I’d waited two years for the third series so meant to take it easy, yet gobbled it up in two nights’ Larry Lamb

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