Daily Record

Tale of the unexpected

Everyone has a favourite adaptation of A Christmas Carol.


It might be the 1951 film with Alastair Sim as Scrooge, or the 1970 one with Alec Guinness as Marley’s Ghost. It could be Scrooged starring Bill Murray, or that all-time classic, The Muppet Christmas Carol, with Michael Caine.

Now comes this unflinchin­g three-part take on Charles Dickens’ 1843 novella. It’s from the pen of Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight so, as you might imagine, it’s not a comedy. In fact, it’s less festive fairy tale, more dark psychologi­cal drama – and not exactly cosy family viewing. But we highly recommend it.

In an unlikely piece of casting, former Neighbours heartthrob Guy Pearce takes on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge. If he seems a tad young (and whiskerles­s), bear in mind that the drama digs deep into the cruel skinflint’s character and what made him the way he is.

Guy said: “I’m not portraying him only as a bitter, twisted man who hates people and Christmas. As soon as we meet him, we see he’s damaged. But he also has some bravado and swagger. He doesn’t crumble under things, he just builds this wall up that enables him to continue to function in the world. Through the course of the story, that begins to come apart and we see how vulnerable he is. You realise this guy has been through a rough life.”

As in the book, Scrooge is forced to review his time on Earth by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future.

kicking off the spooky visitation­s is the spirit of his dead business partner, Jacob Marley (Stephen Graham).

Guy said: “Then we see Andy Serkis as the Ghost of Christmas Past and, because we’ve created a Scrooge who has a fairly tough exterior, it takes a good battering by the Ghost to soften him up. There’s Charlotte Riley as the Ghost of Christmas Present, his sister who died. She appears in a gentle touching way. It’s emotional.

“The Ghost of Christmas Future, played by Jason Flemyng, is very frightenin­g. He’s completely silent, which makes it even more powerful.”

GOOD ... Guy Pearce and Charlotte Riley
HAUNTINGLY GOOD ... Guy Pearce and Charlotte Riley
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