Daily Record

When the weather outside is frightful, make your home feel so delightful T

Luke Rix-Standing reveals how to stay warm during the deep, dark winter nights and save money too

- he long, chilly wintry nights are well and truly upon us and it may take more than putting on the fire to make you feel cosy. 10 Snuggle up

It’s time to make sure your home is well prepared. These simple seasonal switches will help keep your interiors homely and you and your festive guests feeling toasty.

1 Keep your curtains closed

Curtains aren’t exactly airtight, but even the loosest layer of fabric can make a remarkable difference when it comes to keeping out the cold. Closing your curtains limits heat loss, and provides an extra barrier against the elements. Your boiler will thank you and therefore, so will your heating bill.

2 Draught-proof doors and windows

For windows that open, use selfadhesi­ve strips to seal up any gaps around the frame, and use a soft, silicone sealant for windows that stay closed. Doors can be given similar treatment, but for floor level openings, it may be simpler to employ an old-fashioned, ‘sausage dog’ draught excluder. Letterboxe­s and keyholes are classic sources of draughts. Plug them with letterbox brushes and keyhole covers.

3 Install foil behind your radiators

If you have radiators fixed to external walls, slide a layer of tin foil between wall and unit to reflect as much heat as possible back into the room. Pick up special heat reflector aluminium foil to maximise retention, and remember that hanging clothes on a radiator forces it to work twice as hard. Regular bleeds will ensure your radiator performs optimally. Run your hand over your unit – if it’s cool at the top and warmer towards the bottom, it’s bleeding time.

4 Insulate everything (but mostly your plumbing)

There’s not much you can’t insulate these days, but plumbing should always be your first port of call. Exposed pipes can be snugged up with slip-on foam tubing (available at most hardware stores), while boilers and water tanks can be easily dressed with jackets. A jacket costs £15-20 and should come with

instructio­ns (make sure you’ve measured your unit before you buy), and will slash your winter energy bills by reducing heat loss. According to the Energy Saving Trust, it should pay for itself in about three months. Wall, floor, and loft insulation are similarly worthy projects, but may require profession­al installati­on for all but the most experience­d DIY-ers.

5 Use a thermostat to regulate your heating

Even if you’re a card-carrying technophob­e who thinks Alexa is basically Skynet, it’s worth stretching a point for a modern, programmab­le thermostat. The inbuilt timer will allow you to schedule your home’s heating, so it powers down when you go out, and turns on automatica­lly on your return – a boon for your living room, the environmen­t, and your bank account.

6 Service your boiler

Picture the scene: You crawl out of bed on a frosty Monday morning, and amble to the bathroom for a shower, only to be deluged by the domestic equivalent of the Ice Bucket Challenge. You do not want your boiler giving out in early February. Check the pressure (it should be at around one bar), and ideally get your unit serviced every autumn. If you don’t schedule in maintenanc­e for your boiler, your boiler may end up scheduling it in for you.

7 Clean out your gutters

Gutter-clearing is not a glamorous occupation, but fallen leaves and sticks can easily result in a clog, and the ensuing build-up of rainwater can cause damp to seep into your walls. Get the ladder out, strap your gloves on, and prepare to get down and dirty. When your gutters are clear enough that water flows unimpeded, you’re good to go.

8 Paper over cracks

To stop wet, wind, and, in some cases, heat-seeking rodents from sneaking into your home uninvited, use foam adhesive and caulk to plug gaps in walls and skirting boards. High quality sealants are easy to peel off if you make a mistake, but once hardened should hold firm for many years.

9 Keep the slush away from your door

When you cross the threshold, you don’t want winter coming with you, and if you don’t have a mudroom, you’re going to have to tackle the weather head-on. A rough-textured doormat will help shed mud and gunk from your shoes, a boot scraper is a must in rural environmen­ts, and a plastic boot tray should protect your indoor floor.

At the end of the day, nothing cosies up a long winter evening like traditiona­l home comforts and hygge. Pile on the blankets, set a fire going, brew some hot cocoa, and throw on some Dean Martin. Bliss.

 ??  ?? FEEL THE HEAT...
Draughtpro­of your home then put your feet up
FEEL THE HEAT... Draughtpro­of your home then put your feet up
... clear gutters, seal windows and put tin foil behind radiators
Use draught excluders on outside doors
MAINTENANC­E ... clear gutters, seal windows and put tin foil behind radiators KEEP OUT... Use draught excluders on outside doors

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