Daily Record

Outrage over CBE for RBS bank boss


A NEW Year honour for former Royal Bank of Scotland chief Ross McEwan was described as “inappropri­ate” yesterday as criticism of his role resurfaced.

He has been awarded a CBE for his “services to the financial sector” as he takes up a new role with the National Australia Bank.

But the award is sure to cause outrage among the raft of businesses that suffered under RBS’s Global Restructur­ing Group (GRG) and thousands of customers who have seen high street branches disappear.

While the GRG activities pre-dated McEwan’s arrival at the state-owned bank in 2013, it is his attempts to gloss over its actions that will lead many to question the award.

The unit often forced businesses to the wall – rather than helping them turn around their fortunes.

Author and broadcaste­r Ian Fraser, whose book Shredded: Inside RBS, the bank that broke Britain lifted the lid on the RBS banking scandal, said: “I am dismayed and I think this shows the Government is out of touch. Yes, Ross McEwan has done some good things in terms of financiall­y turning RBS around.

“But I do think this honour is inappropri­ate.

“The Government seems to be ignoring his woeful handling of the Global Restructur­ing Group scandal which has involved attempts to suppress the truth, downplay the severity of what happened and minimise compensati­on pay-outs to victims.”

McEwan, 62, said he had “delivered the strategy” that he set out when taking over in 2013. Under his leadership the bank – 62 per cent Government-owned – closed hundreds of branches but became profitable for the first time since the 2008 £45billion Government bail-out.

 ??  ?? QUESTIONS Ross McEwan

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