Daily Record

Steve’s made all my dreams come true



BY NICHOLAS KEYDEN nicholas.keyden@reachplc.com

A RANGERS-DAFT dad battling terminal cancer was given a birthday present he’ll never forget from his Ibrox hero.

Noel Cullen, has been given just 12 months to live by doctors after being diagnosed with stomach cancer.

He has loved the Light Blues his whole life and even moved to Glasgow from Northern Ireland to be a closer to the club.

And in an incredible birthday surprise, Noel, who turned 65 last Saturday, was sent a special signed Europa League match shirt by his favourite player and countryman Steven Davis.

Noel told the Record: “I’ve never been so proud and happy for what Steven Davis and Rangers Football Club has done for me.

“He has made all my dreams come true.”

A picture posted on Twitter by his son Noel Jnr showed the beaming dad proudly holding up the incredible gift.

Midfielder Davis organised the heartfelt gesture “off his own bat” after meeting Noel at a charity event at the Gers’ Hummel Training Centre in October.

Noel Jnr said the surprise, which arrived just as the family were heading out for birthday meal, “really lifted his spirits”.

We previously told how Noel was nominated by his son for the Rangers Charity Foundation’s Dream Day and met gaffer Steven Gerrard, had a shirt signed by striker Jermain Defoe and posed for pictures with the first team.

He also managed to get a chat with Davis.

Speaking at the time, he said: “He’s always been my hero, obviously coming from Northern Ireland.

“A few times I’ve missed him when I was hoping to get a photo and autograph, so I was so glad we were actually face to face and we could talk.

“I’ve been a Rangers fan all my life and was nominated as I’ve only got a 12-month life span left in front of me.

“I take a lot of pain relief but today has actually lifted my pain because I can concentrat­e on something I never thought I would get to do.

“Everything through my life has always been Rangers.

“Even when I’ve been down, a good result from the side actually helps pick me up.

“I’ll always be grateful.”

 ??  ?? BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Noel with the Rangers top signed by his Ibrox hero
BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Noel with the Rangers top signed by his Ibrox hero
 ??  ?? HERO Noel meets Steven Davis
HERO Noel meets Steven Davis

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