Daily Record

Condition affects just four in a million people



A SCOTS boy is forced to travel 500 miles a week for treatment on a cancer so rare it affects only four in a million people.

Danial Graham, 13, from Thurso in the Highlands, has the rare blood cancer myelodyspl­astic syndrome (MDS) which has evolved into acute myeloid leukaemia.

He has been given just a 30 per cent chance of survival.

The teenager has had to make a 250-mile round trip to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness twice a week for blood transfusio­ns and platelets since he was diagnosed with the condition about two months ago as medics try to get him fit for a bone marrow transplant.

But because he is so weak, he has been picking up infections which threaten to delay his treatment.

He is now currently in the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital hooked up to drips as he tries to battle the latest one.

He had no chance of getting home for Christmas and, if he was well enough, was due to be sent to Glasgow for his transplant and chemothera­py. If not, he will remain in Aberdeen over the festive season.

But even though he is in a poorly state, second year Thurso High

School pupil Danial remains cheerful, regularly pranking his chef dad Jamie, 37.

Jamie, who is with him in hospital, said: “He is stable just now but he is so far away from home. He is getting a lot of morphine and has all sorts of wires coming out of him but he is still joking around with me.

“He has been taking the monitor off his finger so the screen goes blank to give me a fright.”

Danial lives with his granny Margaret Smith, 53, and last Friday, she flew down to join his dad at his bedside. Margaret has taken extended unpaid leave from her job as a sales assistant to be with him and Jamie is using up holidays before he, too, has to take unpaid leave.

Danial’s aunt Rachel Smith, 25, said the family first sought advice when the teenager developed a rash.

Rachel had just had her third baby, Malia, and as Danial was in and out her house spending time with his cousins, they wanted to check it was nothing infectious.

At first doctors thought it might be ringworm – but when they struggled to get blood from him to test they began to suspect it was something more sinister and soon after he was diagnosed with MDS.

Rachel said: “We were told a few weeks ago he had about a 30 per cent chance of survival but at the moment they are waiting to see how he deals with the latest infection.

“They need to get his body strong enough for the chemothera­py but his cancer cells have been growing rapidly over the last week. He means so much to us but he is so young and vulnerable.

“This will be the first Christmas we have never spent together.”

Rachel has started a gofundme page in an attempt to raise £2000 to ease the financial burden on the family. It has already raised £545.

To donate, go to: https://www. gofundme.com/f/danial-graham

 ??  ?? CLOSE Danial with wee cousin Malia
CLOSE Danial with wee cousin Malia

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