Daily Record

Show of gratitude hits the right note


PIPERS across Scotland struck the right note last night when they paid tribute to thousands of key workers.

They stood in gardens, on doorsteps, on balconies and in living rooms in our villages, towns and cities representi­ng a grateful nation.

And what they played was no lament. Their rousing, defiant rendition of Scotland the Brave was an inspiring expression of gratitude to the thousands of workers who keep things going – NHS staff, carers, supermarke­t workers, posties, delivery drivers, utility workers and many more who go to work every day for us.

The strain of the bagpipes drifted across the land, backed by waves of applause and cheers.

All of it was for the extraordin­ary men and women who turn up for work every day.

They are the unsung heroes, usually underpaid and often undervalue­d, who are always there.

Some have been disparaged as low-skilled by people who would not have an ounce of their strength of character in a moment of crisis.

Many of them risk their own health because their employers have failed to take adequate steps to protect them – but they still turn up for work.

We will find out after all this is over just how ill-served these key workers have been by government­s and bosses who should be keeping them safe.

Every day since the outbreak of this wretched disease, workers have been exposed to danger. But they still clock on to do a shift.

Last night was a wonderful salute to their bravery and dedication.

Just as we saw a week earlier when applause and cheers broke out across the land for the NHS, last night’s piping tribute caught the national mood.

From now on, let’s make 8pm on a Thursday the time we collective­ly say thanks to those people we simply could not do without.

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