Daily Record




Whatever your skills, from non-existent to being a cracking clickety-clacker, this is something everyone can have a go at. Enthusiast Janet May, who runs her own knitting website, Kazoncraft­s.co. uk, said: “All a newbie will need is needles and yarn initially, a pair of scissors and a tape measure.” For beginners, use thick wool and thick needles so the stiches are big and it’s easier to see where you went wrong. For lots of helpful informatio­n, visit www. sheepandst­itch.com NEEDLE FELTING A great craft for beginners, children especially will love making cute animals for their bedrooms. Hobbycraft (www. hobbycraft.co.uk) has loads of felting kits available to help you start. There are lots of tutorials online – check out Youtube. DECOUPAGE This is the art of decorating an object by glueing coloured paper cut-outs on to it, combined with special paint effects, gold leaf and other decoration­s. To start, you’ll need a specific type of glue called Mod Podge, scissors, craft paint, brushes and decoupage papers. They’re all available from Hobbycraft which also has lots of tips and ideas on what and how to make things, including dinosaurs, and how to decoupage on to wood. WOODWORKIN­G This could be an opportune time to start those DIY projects you’ve constantly put off – and woodwork is a great craft to begin with. You will need some basic tools, such as a power drill and driver, miter saw, circular saw, nail gun and sander, but if you have, or can get those, you’re sorted. Some undemandin­g first woodwork projects include making a simple bird box or flower tub for the garden. For help and advice, visit www.diygarden.co.uk. SCRAPBOOKI­NG Now is the perfect time for the family to put together a scrapbook of, well, anything. It’s a great way of preserving, presenting and arranging personal and family history in a book. They can include photograph­s, prints and art work. In fact, anything you like. You could take the chance to share your memories and history for younger generation­s, while kids can collate some of their favourite photos or drawings for nanny and grandad – the perfect present for when they’re reunited. Beginner scrapbook tutorials are available on Youtube but all you’ll need is a scrapbook, glue, scissors and then your imaginatio­n to run wild.

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