Daily Record



these places back up to the standard I always knew as a player.

And he’s spent even more on bringing in players and a management team that made the club competitiv­e again.

Most of all he’s given Rangers a sense of self-respect again and the fans some pride back.

For all of that he deserves great credit. But the time has come for him to stand aside and I’m more than happy with the way the boardroom looks at this very challengin­g moment.

It means I can get on about my own business of pottering around the house looking for something to do with my time. Anything.

When we’re finally allowed out of this lockdown I’ll be giving serious considerat­ion to becoming a handyman because I’ve never done so much DIY in my life.

From changing light bulbs, to cleaning out the gutters to paint jobs around the house I’ve actually surprised myself.

When this is over don’t be surprised if you see me driving around the streets in a wee white van offering my services for hire.

But the most enjoyable 20-odd minutes I’ve had in the past couple of weeks came after my old team-mate Kevin Thomson asked me to take part in a video challenge for his academy.

I was more than happy to do my bit for Thommo as he’s going out of his way to help thousands of kids and parents stay active and healthy throughout this crisis.

Although it did mean spending two hours clearing out my garage so I could get a flat wall to kick the ball against.

The challenge involved keeping the ball up for 50 touches – right foot then left – against the wall. I must admit I found myself taking it more seriously than I expected.

At first I felt rusty. The next thing I knew I was doing a 10-minute warm-up, stretching my groin and hamstrings as well as doing sideto-sides across the garage floor.

I could feel myself going into game mode like I did as a player. I then managed to complete the challenge at the next attempt and didn’t realise until I watched the video back I’d pumped my fists when it was over as if back out there on the pitch at Ibrox. I was like a kid in a sweetie shop.

When I walked back into the kitchen all pleased with myself the wife and kids were looking at me as if I was half daft.

But that’s what football does to you – and that’s why we all miss it so much.

For the time being though we’re all just going to have to get used to living life without it.

All that matters is we do as we’re told to help the Government and the NHS get us through this crisis and back to something more normal in the future.

Stay safe, stay home and hopefully we will all get there sooner rather than later. own selfishnes­s. Show some humility at a time when lives are being lost and accept your situation.” The SFA and SPFL have also cut salaries and

said: “I was astonished to see that Neil Doncaster is to lose his bonus. I thought you only got a work bonus if you achieved something.”

said: “Well done to Ajax – who are top of the Dutch league – for requesting this season just be declared null and void. All right-thinking people will agree and it shows most clubs can still display class during this scary time.”

said: “Make all Scottish leagues null and void. There’s no chance of these games being played before the new season starts.”

But said: “Get a computer to decide the remaining league fixtures. Just feed the 20 previous matches played between teams, a result will be provided then pay out the prize money.”

said: “The most sensible way to determine end of season is, when it’s possible, the top of table play until it’s mathematic­ally over, the same with bottom and so on down the divisions.” There’s the usual Old Firm jibes as

said: “I want to join the hat’s off to Dave King celebratio­ns. With a treble Treble on one side of Glasgow and a continuous­ly empty trophy cabinet on the other, in any other success dependent business he would have had his P45 a while ago.”

But said: “I hope all Scottish clubs can get through this awful thing. I regularly wind up Celtic fans but at this moment I want to include them in my wish that everyone keeps well. Hopefully the next time we meet we kick their arse.”


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