Daily Record


Thank you to all the NHS workers, emergency services, delivery drivers, carers, teachers, supermarke­t staff, posties, cleaners, binmen and everyone else who keeps us safe


Pipers across the land last night joined in with members of the public as they clapped to show their gratitude for the unsung heroes of the coronaviru­s crisis who risk their health every day to save lives

BY NICHOLAS KEYDEN SCOTLAND led the UK last night in a bagpipe salute to our frontline coronaviru­s heroes.

Pipers across the country stood in their doorways and driveways for a rousing chorus of Scotland the Brave.

In Bishopbrig­gs, near Glasgow, Darach Urquhart, 38, pictured on our front page, stepped on to the roadside to belt out the tune.

Just a few miles across the city he was joined by Finlay MacDonald and his two boys piping on their doorstep in Clarkston.

Tens of thousands of others across towns and cities also took to their pipes at 8pm during the second applause for NHS workers keeping the country safe.

But this week it was expanded to include all frontline workers such as police, supermarke­t workers, lorry drivers and cleaners, who are doing their bit and putting their health at risk in the war against Covid-19.

Finlay, 42, is the director of the National Piping Centre in Glasgow and rallied the piping community to take action by organising the Pipe Up! for the Key Workers.

Speaking after his performanc­e alongside sons Elliott, 10, and

Fionn, 8, he told how the campaign even attracted players from as far as Asia.

He said: “We have heard from people in Japan, South Africa, America, Spain and Italy who are all taking part.

“It was great – a really special moment – all our neighbours were out in their gardens with a rousing round of applause.

“This is our way of entertaini­ng people and showing appreciati­on to the key staff keeping us safe.”

Social media was flooded with videos of pipers striking up.

Nicola Keanie, from Edinburgh, filmed one player accompanyi­ng a rendition of The Proclaimer­s’ Sunshine on Leith in the capital.

She said: “Leith is an amazing community. It’s for all the workers getting us through these hard times.”

Former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell also joined in.

He tweeted: “Out with the whole street to serenade a teary Sissy Bridge, neighbour and nurse.”

Members of the public took to their windows, balconies and gardens in a round of applause for the second week running.

Elsewhere, Scottish landmarks were lit up in a show of support.

The Glenfinnan Viaduct, known around the world to Harry Potter fans, joined venues and attraction­s like Glasgow’s SSE Hydro and Falkirk’s Kelpies by beaming the colours of the NHS.

The Stage Group’s Martin Whyte, who organised the illuminati­on, said: “Glenfinnan Viaduct is iconic for the village, for Scotland and across the world and it has long been my ambition to light it up.

“What better time than now to make this happen as a gesture of solidarity with the frontline NHS staff who are risking their health.”

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