Daily Record

Strictly for fans only



ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4 PLAYSTATIO­N 4, XBOX ONE, NINTENDO SWITCH, PC ◆◆◆ THE fourth instalment of anyone familiar with also reused from the the Pirate Warriors videogame the Omega Force Musou previous games. series, based on the genre won’t be While Pirate Warriors 4 One Piece franchise, disappoint­ed, as you serves its purpose, it can compresses almost 900 plough through hundreds only really be fully enjoyed episodes of the source of enemies single-handed. by those completely material into a single Game play moves aware of the story arc. 15-hour campaign. fast, with combat pretty It is recommende­d for

Using the voices of the simple, if sometimes a devoted fans of the series original Japanese cast, it bit repetitive. but not for anyone else. will delight any fan – and Some elements are

 ??  ?? PLOUGHING THROUGH ENEMIES Fans will enjoy the campaign
PLOUGHING THROUGH ENEMIES Fans will enjoy the campaign
 ??  ?? TIMELESS Dylan in the 60s. New track with JFK on the cover
TIMELESS Dylan in the 60s. New track with JFK on the cover

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