Daily Record

STaTS ShOW 628,000 ON FURLOUgh


MORE THAN 628,000 Scots have been furloughed on the UK Government’s job retention scheme, according to figures from the Treasury.

Statistics released by Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s department show, area by area, how many people have had 80 per cent of their wages covered by the Government scheme as a result of the coronaviru­s lockdown.

The figures reveal details such as 74,000 people in Glasgow and 2400 islanders in Orkney being taken into the scheme in a bid to save their jobs.

In addition, 146,000 self-employed people have had Government support through a parallel scheme compensati­ng them for loss of earnings.

Under that scheme, the Government pays 80 per cent of the monthly wages to a limit of £2500 for employees who have had to be laid off because of lockdown. The scheme comes to an end in October, with reduced Government support each month from August.

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said: “This unpreceden­ted package of support will ensure that Scotland’s economy can recover.”

But the stats will add to fears of a massive wave of job losses when the Government begins winding down its wage bailout.

The Government will start tapering its furlough scheme after July, forcing those employers taking part to pay 20 per cent of workers’ wages up to a £2500 a month cap as well as covering their national insurance and pension contributi­ons.

From September, the Government will meet 70 per cent of wages, with employers making up the rest and 60 per cent in October until the scheme is wound down.

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