Daily Record

Lockdown was a time for fringe guys to go away and reflect


use this period to my benefit to become stronger and better prepared, mentally’.

“In general, we have between 16-18 guys who have come back looking hungry.

“At the start of lockdown we were monitoring training on the GPS system and were getting results from the individual programmes each player had been given.

“It’s difficult to keep yourself self-motivated but they have hit their numbers and reached goals the sports science guys put on them.

“We came back and have been working on small pods, in small groups across three sections of the pitch but we’ve jumped forward in the last three or four days into full contact and it’s more enjoyable. There’s a spring in the step.”

Alfredo Morelos spent much of his lockdown helping the needy around his community in Cerete back in his Colombian homeland.

It has become a common sight whenever he returns to South America but so too have the headlines linking him with moves to other countries.

Serie A giants Napoli are the latest to be linked with the frontman but McAllister insists there have been no bids, although he isn’t naive enough to dismiss a move out of hand.

He said: “We’re unaware of any bids for Alfredo.

“Every player at every club has a price but until the moment a bid lands and the club reckons it’s a number that suits them then we keep moving on.”

Meanwhile, Calvin Bassey revealed he is ready to take on Borna Barisic for the leftback spot in the Rangers starting line-up.

The 20-year-old joined from Leicester last month and was officially paraded at Ibrox for the first time yesterday.

Bassey told Rangers TV: “I back myself but at the same time Borna is a top pro.

“I’m just looking forward to having that friendly rivalry but, at the same time, adding bits to my game from his game too.”

 ??  ?? COOKING WITH GAZ McAllister is keeping an eye on the Gers squad to see how they respond
CLICKING INTO GER Barker and Jones will look to make an impression
COOKING WITH GAZ McAllister is keeping an eye on the Gers squad to see how they respond CLICKING INTO GER Barker and Jones will look to make an impression

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