Daily Record

I just can’t wait for the madness tostart up again


WE know Scottish football has its faults. We know we don’t have the same money as other leagues, we maybe don’t have the same talent. We get frustrated by the people running the game or get worked up about the match officials. You name it. But I’ll tell you something – I absolutely love it. I am delighted it’s finally back this weekend and I’m looking forward to this season more than ever. These last few months have only driven home just how much I enjoy the Scottish football madhouse. I watched the Bundesliga when it returned. I tuned in to the English games. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed them.

But only up to a point.

Those leagues just don’t do it for me the way Scottish football does. The drama, controvers­y, competitio­n, stories and subplots – the sheer madness at times. We might not have the best standard in the world but no one can touch us when it comes to the passion and sheer obsession this country has for the game. I have had countless debates with mates over the years. If it’s Bournemout­h against Leicester on one channel and Dundee United v Motherwell on the other, there’s only one winner every time.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel for us at Kelty Hearts with the Lowland season starting in line with the Championsh­ip, Leagues One and Two.

But the Premiershi­p will get all the focus right now – and this campaign has the potential to be an absolute blockbuste­r.

Of course we want the fans back in as soon as it’s possible but the whole fight over winning or stopping 10 in a row is going to be fascinatin­g. The word getting bandied around a lot is pressure. Who will be feeling the heat most – the club going for 10 or the one with the task of preventing it? For me, it’s on both. I wouldn’t see it that way as a player, though. If that’s pressure then bring it on. If you are in either of those changing rooms it should be nothing but excitement you’re feeling. This is a chance to become heroes. Rangers players who stop the run will go down in history. Likewise, if Celtic win the league again, those guys will always be remembered.

It’s a brilliant pressure and anyone who can’t hack it has no place at an Old Firm club.

A lot of the spotlight will be on my old club, of course.

They’ve proved they can compete with Celtic in one-off games but the challenge is now to do it over the course of an entire season.

Steven Gerrard’s side can look brilliant when they are on form. What we need to see is them winning ugly.

That’s what wins titles. The days you walk off having had a stinker, you get roared at by the manager and blasted by the fans, yet you still have the three points in the back pocket.

It’s your worst performanc­es that can win leagues if you still get out with a result.

I was always positive at the start of new seasons and maybe it’s the optimist in me but I honestly believe Rangers can be crowned champions in May.

It’s foolish to make any judgments in pre-season but I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far from them. They look sharp and I don’t buy the suggestion they don’t have the strength in depth.

We will see guys like Joe Aribo really stepping up this term. He’s got all the tools and if he produces on a regular basis, he will be a huge player for Rangers in the coming months.

There’s no doubt Gerrard will add a few more as well. His comments last week were a message to his board that there is still work to be done but there is time to do it.

The Alfredo Morelos situation is still hanging over them but the interest from Lillie won’t have come as a surprise.

I like Morelos and you’d always rather have that kind of natural goalscorer in your team.

You have to take the rough with the smooth with him but I like that fire in his belly.

Every player has a price and if he is looking to go then it wouldn’t be the end of the world if Rangers cashed in.

Gerrard will have two or three options in the background. I’m sure he wouldn’t hang around in bringing in a replacemen­t.

Rangers will know what to expect from Celtic – they have the winning mentality and will be relentless.

Rangers have to be the same. Not just in spells but over the course of an entire campaign.

It’s going to be an intriguing contest. Scottish football is better than any soap opera – I can’t wait to tune in again.

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