Daily Record


Boris pulls plug on sport crowds pilot


FANS were yesterday banned from sporting events – just hours before they were due to return.

Thousands were expected to see the finale of Glorious Goodwood and the first day of the county cricket’s Bob Willis Trophy.

That followed the two-day cricket clash between Surrey and Middlesex, which started last Sunday, signalling the return of fans to some ‘pilot’ events.

But a spike in coronaviru­s cases in parts of the north of England saw the shutters go back up as Prime Minister Boris Johnston reintroduc­ed restrictio­ns.

There were fans in the

Crucible for the first day of the World Snooker Championsh­ip.

However, those with tickets for the rest of the tournament in Sheffield won’t be allowed in as the new restrictio­ns on fans will be in place until at least August 15.

It could also see Premier League chief executive Richard Masters’s hopes to have some fans back at games for the new season, which kicks-off on September 12, scuppered.

PM Johnson said: “Pilots of larger crowds at sports venues will not take place.

“Our assessment is we should now squeeze that brake pedal in order to keep the virus under control.”

An England and Wales Cricket Board spokesman said: “We understand the reasons for the decision and remain ready to work to ensure supporters can safely return to stadiums when Government advice allows.”

Snooker supremo Barry Hearn reckons the decision has cost about £2.5million.

He said: “I’m devastated, gutted and upset for my whole team who put in so much work to get to a position where a crowd was allowed in.”

Goodwood chief Adam Waterworth said: “It’s a big kick – a big kick. It’s cost us six figures, but was never about the money. It was a pilot for sport.”

 ??  ?? SNOOKERED Fans watch the World Championsh­ip action yesterday but will not be allowed back
SNOOKERED Fans watch the World Championsh­ip action yesterday but will not be allowed back

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