Daily Record


Milan talk won’t upset my mate Kris says Jullien


CHRISTOPHE­R JULLIEN reckons his defensive pal Kristoffer Ajer has a good head on his shoulders – which means it won’t be turned amid all the dizzying transfer talk.

The big Frenchman has been blown away by the displays of the Norway star after the pair formed a formidable partnershi­p at the back for Celtic last season.

Ajer’s performanc­es have been noticed all over Europe, with AC Milan and Brendan Rodgers’ Leicester sticking the 22-year-old towards the top of their wishlists.

The Italian giants were keeping tabs again at the weekend as the Hoops got off to a Premiershi­p flier with a 5-1 win over Hamilton.

Jullien is not surprised by the attention – and he’s not worried either.

The £7million powerhouse is thrilled Ajer has tongues wagging across the continent as it only proves the youngster is on the right track.

Jullien said: “I know there is a lot of talk about him but that is a good thing definitely. There is no doubt going to be a lot more.

“He is a very good player but he’s still on the rise.

“I can say he’s a unique talent and the more he plays, the more clubs are going to come to see him. That’s normal when you are a top player. It’s a good thing.

“But we are very happy to have him and hopefully he will continue to do well.” Jullien is convinced the Hoops giants will be in place this season as while Ajer might be 6ft 5ins, he won’t lose his head in the clouds.

The Norwegian is as cool as they come and Jullien reckons his defensive partner is way above most of the players he’s faced.

He said: “Kris is a cool character on and off the field. Sometimes he talks too much! But that’s okay. He’s such a smart guy, not just on the pitch but off it.

“To be at that level at such a young age is very impressive. He has a good head on his shoulders, as we say in France.

“It’s been great for him and for the club. Kris is a great player. It’s amazing what he is doing when you consider his age. He is already an internatio­nal player.

“He has already won an incredible number of trophies in his career and he will go on to win more. I could say so many things about him. He’s such an accomplish­ed player. He’s tall, he’s fast, he knows how to pass the ball, he knows how to play the game. “I enjoy playing alongside him. He’s no doubt one of the best centreback­s I have played alongside and he’s still so young.”

Jullien is adamant Ajer will eventually be starring in one of the top leagues in Europe but the focus is on remaining on top in Scotland.

The former Toulouse man was a smash-hit in his first season with Celts and having got a taste of success he’s hungry for more.

Neil Lennon’s men kicked off their quest for 10 in a row by hammering Hamilton but it wasn’t the usual flag day at Parkhead, with the crowds shut out.

Jullien admits it’s not ideal. He would have loved to have been celebratin­g last term’s triumph in front of a full house but it wasn’t to be.

It was still a moment for the squad to savour and take time to reflect on last season before getting down to hard graft again. Jullien said: “We won the championsh­ip because we deserved it – even if it didn’t finish the way we wanted. “We have a new goal for the new season – to go out each week and win. And win again and again. When you have success you just want more, so we will do our best to achieve it. “It was a special moment to unveil the flag. It was a case of, ‘Let’s go’. We feel good. Since we came back the team and the staff have done a very good job. We’re looking good.” Jullien doesn’t need to be told what is at stake this season. The fans’ favourite has launched himself into his role at Parkhead and has already been identified as one of Lennon’s generals on the pitch. The 27-year-old will have a crucial role to play in the coming months but he insists everyone in the Hoops squad will need to play their part if history is to be made. Jullien said: “This is a big season for us. We all know how important it is going to be. The league is very big, of course, and we have the Champions League coming. “I hope we can get through these games. It’s going to be busy but it’s good. Everyone will get a chance.”

To be at that level at such a young age is very impressive


 ??  ?? STUCK IN Ajer battles Accies’ Ross Callachan in season opener
YOUR LOVE KEEPS LIFTING ME AJER Jullien, in the club’s new away kit, right, tips pal to be tower of strength
STUCK IN Ajer battles Accies’ Ross Callachan in season opener YOUR LOVE KEEPS LIFTING ME AJER Jullien, in the club’s new away kit, right, tips pal to be tower of strength

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