Daily Record

Murdered prisoner’s family hit out at barbaric treatment

Brother blasts ‘perfect storm of failures’

- BY ANNIE BROWN a.brown@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

THE family of a man left to die in a prison cell after a brutal beating by inmates have described his treatment as “barbaric”.

There was a five-hour delay in paramedics reaching Darren Brownlie, 47, by which time he was “unresponsi­ve” in a pool of his own blood.

Three prisoners who admitted killing him are due to be sentenced today at the High Court in Glasgow.

But last night, Darren’s brother Robert said a perfect storm of failures by the prison, the NHS and ambulance services led to his death.

Robert, 58, said: “My brother spent hours terrified, in pain, dying in a prison cell. It was a torturous death. He was screaming for help and he was ignored.

“It was barbaric to treat a human being like that. This was a combined failure of all services which had a duty of care towards him.”

Darren was on remand in Low Moss prison near Glasgow, facing trial for attempting to abduct a six-year-old boy – charges he strenuousl­y denied.

Inmates Craig Derrick, 31, Brian Laing, 27, and David Till, 33, pled guilty to culpable homicide last month.

The High Court in Glasgow heard Darren, a dad of two, was kicked and punched on the head and body after he was summoned to Derrick’s cell in an attack which lasted 66 seconds.

Prosecutor Paul Kearney told the court Darren had a number of injuries to his face and was bleeding heavily from his nose. He was examined by a nurse, who suspected he had broken ribs.

An ambulance was requested at 5.28pm on January 6 but it was not until

10.13pm that paramedics began treating Darren, who was by then lying unresponsi­ve on the floor of the cell.

Lawyer Aamer Anwar, who is acting for Darren’s family, is demanding to know the link between the delay in paramedics reaching the prison and ambulances being held up outside the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow on the same day.

That week, the Record revealed 15 ambulances were queued up outside the scandal-hit hospital because of a dire backlog of patients.

During the almost five hours it took to get medical help, Darren was put in an observatio­n cell and checked on by wardens. Kearney said: “On a number of occasions, Mr Brownlie pressed the emergency buzzer in the cell and witness Graham Bride heard him being told by a member of staff, ‘Stop pressing the f***ing buzzer. I’ve told you help is on the way’.”

Darren died from internal bleeding caused by a ruptured spleen and also had broken ribs.

The court heard William Tullet, an accident and emergency consultant at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, believed that had Darren received prompt pre-hospital treatment for his blood loss and been transferre­d to hospital for surgery, he would, in all probabilit­y, have survived.

Anwar is now writing to the Lord Advocate, Police Scotland and the Scottish Government to demand a full criminal and Health and Safety investigat­ion into Darren’s death, to establish whether there are grounds for a prosecutio­n for corporate homicide.

Last month, the court heard the initial call was classed as a non-emergency when it was made, despite the potential for internal bleeding.

But a check made between 7.15pm and 7.39pm revealed Darren had vomited and was complainin­g of being cold.

Another was made at 7.36pm and a further one, two minutes later, said it was now an emergency. It was not until 9.45pm that an ambulance was assigned to go to the prison.

The Record revealed last month that by 9pm, nursing staff had clocked off their shift and did not remain in Low Moss to monitor Darren as he lay dying.

We reported two nursing staff were temporaril­y suspended when the ambulance service made a formal complaint alleging its crew found Darren near death with no medical assistance.

Darren’s 79-year-old mum Eleanor said she will never recover from her loss. She said: “I am devastated. I am broken and now I want answers.

“They had a duty of care and they ignored his cries for help and the ambulance was too late. A life is a life and my son should never have lost his.”

Robert, who said Darren was the youngest of five brothers and was loved as the “baby” of the family, added: “It is horrendous.”

Last night, a spokesman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: “We have undertaken a Significan­t Clinical Incident Review of this case and we await the outcome.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Prison Service said: “All deaths in custody are subject to a Death In Prison Learning Audit and Review.”

The Scottish Ambulance Service said: “We can confirm we attended, but due to an ongoing investigat­ion we are unable to comment further.”

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