Daily Record

Mummy’s little miracle

Born 14 weeks early weighing just 1lb 6oz, Ella’s battling spirit amazes docs.. and her parents

- BY CLAIRE ELLIOT reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

A TOT who was born weighing just 1lb 6oz with her lungs not fully developed has been hailed a “wee miracle” after winning her fight for life without the need of a ventilator.

Ella Young was so premature, she looked like “a 3D picture in the womb” as she lay clinging to life in an incubator.

Medics had to wrap her in a plastic bag as soon as she was born to stop her body going into hypothermi­c shock.

But despite being born 14 weeks early with her lungs severely underdevel­oped, Ella managed to take her first breath on her own.

And during her 80 days in Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, she never once had to be hooked up to a ventilator to help her breathe.

Instead, shortly after birth the tot was given oxygen via a mask and a less invasive treatment as part of a medical trial, which saw doctors briefly insert a narrow tube in her airway to give her life-saving proteins which stop the lungs from collapsing.

Proud mum Catherine said the trial procedure “saved Ella from having to be fully ventilated and may well have given her lungs a better chance”.

Now aged 14 months, Ella has astounded everyone with her incredible

resilience and she is already on to her next challenge – learning to walk.

Catherine, 40, from Rutherglen, near Glasgow, suffered a placental abruption and Ella had to be delivered by emergency C-section on May 15 last year.

Catherine, who also has a son, Reece, 21, said: “I was just in shock. I was only 26 weeks pregnant and it was bizarre to think she shouldn’t be here yet.

“She was just so tiny. She almost looked like a 3D picture in the womb – her skin was so translucen­t, you could see all her muscles and bones.”

Catherine, a health and safety adviser, said the experience was “a scary and emotional time” for her and husband Greig. But Ella was finally allowed home on August 2 last year – 17 days before her due date.

Catherine said: “Now there’s nothing delicate about her. She’s got a wee belly and is a pretty chunky baby – and she’s full of mischief.

“My mum said I should keep her clothes for her dolls for when she’s older. “She’s a wee star. “And all the staff at Queen Elizabeth were amazing.”

 ??  ?? STAR Ella with mum Catherine. Pic: Michael Traill
FIGHTER Tiny Ella managed to take her first breath without being put on a ventilator
STAR Ella with mum Catherine. Pic: Michael Traill FIGHTER Tiny Ella managed to take her first breath without being put on a ventilator

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