Daily Record

Rolling with the hunches

Stephen Mulhern, 43, reveals all about his thrilling new quiz – where contestant­s and stars win or lose huge sums of cash with the roll of a giant coin


Quizmaster Stephen Mulhern is back with a nail-biting new show where celebritie­s help contestant­s to win – or lose – a fortune.

Here, the In For A Penny presenter tells us what to expect from unique quiz Rolling In It.

You’ve hosted a string of successful game shows. How’s this different?

I think it’s one of the most exciting game shows for a long time. I remember when Who Wants to Be a Millionair­e? launched and there was a massive buzz. This is the same. The tension is mad. And let’s face it, it’s been a long lockdown, so to have something new to watch is a gift. And it involves large sums of free money, so why not?

Celebritie­s and members of the public team up in pairs. How does that work?

I love the dynamic you get between the celeb and the punter. If they get nervous or worried, they can pass the buck. I prefer working with normal people to stars, hands down. I’m a people person and love chatting to them.

We bet you get recognised all the time…

When I go into the supermarke­t, some people genuinely think they know me. A bloke came up to me recently thinking he’d been to school with me. I never point out that I’m off the telly. I just said, ‘Maybe you’re confusing me with someone...’ Then a van driver went past yesterday, and was like, ‘Stephen where’s the glittery gold jacket?’ But I love it. And I’d never say no to a selfie.

Did you have to film without a studio audience?

No, fortunatel­y we filmed just before lockdown. But I’ve filmed the new series of Catchphras­e without an audience. I was worried how it would work but it wasn’t that bad. Contestant­s preferred it as they didn’t feel so self-conscious about giving the wrong answer or feeling embarrasse­d. They felt they could be more like themselves.

You’re reportedly one of TV’s biggest earners. What do you spend it on?

I like to be able to support my family however I can. My parents worked hard as market traders but we didn’t have loads of money growing up. I have two brothers, who have kids, and a sister. Every year, we all go away together on one big holiday. But that didn’t happen this year, so we did things like drop nice food hampers off at their houses. I’m also lucky enough to own a second home by the sea which I can escape to and relax.

You must have loads of showbiz mates. How do you keep it real?

My family keep me grounded. And my best mates Gareth and Paul are from my school days. My TV friends include Ant and Dec and Emma Willis. We’re a pretty tight crew who work together – which includes the producers, make-up artists etc too. It’s nice to work with the same people again and again. I don’t think I’ve been swallowed up by the TV world. I like to stay focused, work hard but have breaks for my own time too.

Who was your favourite celebrity guest on Rolling In It?

Jimmy Carr. Sometimes when you get another comedian on, it can get competitiv­e for laughs. But Jimmy was brilliant, such a laugh – you know you’re winning when you hear that laugh. He really got into the game. Then we had Gemma Collins. Her game partner was on a good roll. He trusted her to make decisions... I don’t know why. Anyway, they lost their money. I don’t know what went on after the show – I don’t think they were even speaking. I kept away from their dressing room.

Did you watch the drama about the scandal on Who Wants to Be a Millionair­e?

Yes I did. It was great. Do I worry about scandal hitting my shows? Nah. Touch wood...

‘Gemma Collins’ partner in the game trusted her to make decisions. I don’t know why.’ Stephen Mulhern

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Corrie stars pair up with punters. From left, Sair Khan, Melissa, Jennie McAlpine, Stephen, Joel, Lesley and Antony Cotton
STREET SMART?... Corrie stars pair up with punters. From left, Sair Khan, Melissa, Jennie McAlpine, Stephen, Joel, Lesley and Antony Cotton
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