Daily Record

Some of our boys have been out for meals but we’ve nipped that in the bud. We can’t have a social life... from now on, it’s training ground, home and games. We have to be standard bearers for the country



THE Dons Diddies are in the dog house but Neil Lennon reckons everyone in the Scottish game now has to be on a short leash to avoid the nightmare scenario of another lockdown.

The Celtic boss admits he’s now in the dark whether his side will face Aberdeen next week after Pittodrie was clamped in the wake of the Covid calamity at Cormack Park.

It’s not anger he’s feeling. It’s disappoint­ment – as well as huge concern.

Lennon is worried about the knifeedge nature of our game.

He believes we’ve come too far and grafted too hard to allow Scottish football to fall back into the grubber because protocols can’t be kept.

Premiershi­p teams simply have to toe the line – because the alternativ­e doesn’t bear thinking about.

Lennon said: “We’ve come so far and everyone has worked so hard behind the scenes – the medical people and government people – to get the game up and running.

“It would be such a shame and really sore if we had to close it down again so we really have to be on our guard from now on, at least in the short term.

“It’s huge. The players probably weren’t thinking of those things at the time.

“A lot of people will point fingers at them and it’s a lesson learned, certainly for everyone associated with the game.

“We can’t risk it any more. We can’t have a social life or a normal life, we have to be standard bearers for the rest of the country now in terms of coping with this as best as we possibly can.

“It’s fragile. Not just the season but life in general. Aberdeen is back in lockdown and we just have to be careful that we don’t go back to a complete shutdown. It’s a fine balancing act.

“Aberdeen will probably come under a bit of criticism as a club but the players have made a mistake and now one of them has tested positive for the virus. I hope he recovers well but it’s a lesson for everyone.

“It’s a very unfortunat­e incident and one that could set us back as a

BY MICHAEL GANNON league. The First Minister has come out in the strongest possible sense and put that message out there that we can’t have any more slip-ups.

“And I believe the government are going to speak to the managers and captains of each club to remind us of our responsibi­lities.”

Lennon has used the Aberdeen shambles as an example to his own squad as he’s hammered home the ground rules once again in case some of them were not listening.

He said: “We’ve had a chat with our players this morning just to remind them of what they can and can’t do.

“I know a few of them have been out in restaurant­s and adhering to the protocols of said establishm­ents.

“But after what’s happened now then we’re going to have to nip all that in the bud.

“I have sympathy for a lot of the boys, they’ve had the whole lockdown, two or three months with no football.

“But now if you want to extend the season then you’re going to have to follow really strict guidelines and probably go back to the way it was before in terms of training ground, home, probably walk to the shop to get your amenities then go home again.

“The other thing is that players now know they can’t bring friends or relatives over from Belgium or other countries.

“That can’t happen any longer because then they would need to quarantine along with those people.

“It’s another example we’ve had to stress to our squad, if your family is abroad then you can’t have visits from them at the minute, it’s that simple.

“We’ve told our players and staff that, from now on, it’s training ground, home and games – that’s the way it has to be.”

Lennon’s focus has been on getting Celtic back in to the groove. It was job done last weekend in their opener against Hamilton and on to Kilmarnock tomorrow afternoon.

All of a sudden the entire fabric of the game has been stretched and we’re only in week two of the season.

The Hoops boss doesn’t need a reminder of what could happen after the championsh­ip was curtailed last term.

But the fragile nature of the league amid a pandemic means his side can’t afford to be playing catch-up at any stage – because they might not get the chance.

He said: “Yeah, it’s a good point. It’s not something I’ve really given much thought to because we’ve only just got the season up and running.

“We’ve made a great start and we’ve got a real difficult game coming up at a difficult venue.

“Ideally, we don’t want this called again. We don’t want shut down again.

“In terms of where we are as a squad, I want to add to it but I’m happy with the way we’ve started the season.

“The fitness levels are good and they will get better as we go along. We know we are going to have stiff opposition as we go, and it’s important that we do try to keep our noses in front.”

It’s fragile. Not just the football season but life in general


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 ??  ?? GUIDING HIS BHOYS Lennon revealed fears over Dons Covid issue and advised Celts such as Frimpong, below, to be wary
GUIDING HIS BHOYS Lennon revealed fears over Dons Covid issue and advised Celts such as Frimpong, below, to be wary

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