Daily Record

Watching telly in the bath makes me relax and have a good soak

- Frances Tophill

Gardening took over for six weeks... before that I was sewing, drawing, reading and walking.’ Frances Tophill

Frances is a familiar face to green-fingered viewers. She has appeared alongside Alan Titchmarsh on Grow Your Own At Home and is a regular presenter on Gardeners’ World. Gardening and other projects kept her busy in lockdown, but she couldn’t wait to hit the road...

When we were all stuck at home, did you stay busy by gardening?

I wasn’t expecting to – my house in Folkestone is rented as I was only going to be here for a year. But with lockdown I had the time and it’s been a bit of a saving grace. I have an allotment as well, which has kept me very busy.

Along with baking, gardening has become really popular lately...

Yes. Waiting lists for allotments have got longer and viewing figures for Gardeners’ World have gone through the roof. It’s great that people are engaging with nature, right on their doorstep. Even if you have a no outdoor space, trying to grow things is a lovely thing to do.

Has it been frustratin­g not doing your usual work?

Normally for me it’s flower shows and Gardeners’ World and Love Your Garden and makeovers, but this year I have had to stop. And while there’s been anxiety and worry and the issue of not seeing family and friends, actually I enjoyed

being forced to stop. My garden makeover took up most of my time for six weeks. Before that, I was sewing, drawing, reading and walking.

What have you been watching on telly lately?

I love The Great British Sewing Bee. Joe Lycett has done a really great job of invigorati­ng the whole thing. And I really liked Normal People – it was a lovely bitesized thing to watch. I tend to watch most things on catch-up. I watch a lot of films, and I missed the cinema a lot. I love going by myself, and I like a range, from really bad chick flicks to three-hour German films.

Where do you watch TV when you’re at home?

I’m usually on the sofa but I do sometimes take my laptop up to bed and watch something. Or in the bath. If I’m bored I will stick something on while I’m in the bath and that encourages me to stop and have a good soak.

Do you eat off a tray while watching or are you strict about sitting at a table?

Ordinarily I would have thrown something together, and gone and sat on the sofa and watched telly. But during lockdown I’ve really enjoyed cooking and taking the time to make myself a proper, healthy meal. It’s been a ritual, lighting little candles, sitting at the table, and enjoying my meal. Then I’ll go and watch telly.

What were you most looking forward to doing once we were allowed more freedom?

Camping. I have my own campervan and I love just driving somewhere, pitching a tent, making myself some dinner and just sitting and... being. l Gardeners’ World is on Friday, BBC Two, 9pm.

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