Daily Record

Protest leader Erin, 17: I am elated by decision


THE young campaigner who organised a rally against the results downgrades yesterday wept tears of joy as she learned of the U-turn.

Erin Bleakley, 17, led a protest in Glasgow last week after many teenagers were fearing for their future.

Erin, from Shettlesto­n in Glasgow, held a banner reading “judge my work not my postcode” after it was revealed that those from working class areas were disproport­ionately affected.

After Education Secretary John Swinney announced the U-turn yesterday, Erin told the Daily Record: “It just feels really unbelievab­le.

“We thought we would get some sort of attention but never thought it would get this far.

“I thought maybe there would be a different system or a longer process but never believed this would happen.

“I never thought there would be a complete U-turn like this. I feel elated.”

Erin attends St Andrew’s High School in Carntyne, Glasgow, which was this year identified as the second most deprived area in the country.

Under the moderation system, the pass rate of pupils in the most deprived data zones was reduced by 15.2 per cent from teacher estimates. It fell by 6.9 per cent in the richest areas.

Erin was downgraded on four of six of her Highers. Reflecting on the injustice, she said: “Our feelings were not really taken into considerat­ion at the start. The uproar of pupils, teachers and parents is the reason we were heard.

“A week is a long time but it’s not long when you consider our futures.”

Erin, who has dreams of studying to become a vet, is starting S6 tomorrow.

She said: “One of our main points was that we were not just asking for As all round, we were asking for fair grades.

“I achieved an A in the maths prelim but my teacher predicted a C which shows they were being tough and not too generous like some have said.

“These marks now reflect what our teachers know we can achieve.”

Making his speech to the Scottish Parliament, Swinney said the system “did not fully understand the trauma of Covid-19 for this year group”.

Erin said the circumstan­ces of the pandemic are something which should have been considered originally.

She said: “I think that should have been taken into considerat­ion right from the beginning.

“It had a huge effect on the education system for so many people.”

Erin was with her mum Angela when Swinney named her in his speech.

Addressing MSPs, he said Erin was one of the inspiring young people he had listened to.

Tearful Angela couldn’t contain her joy as she told how proud she was of her daughter’s determinat­ion.

She said: “No one could be prouder than I am right now.

“I’m just over the moon, I’m overjoyed.

“These are the results she should have got last week and I’m so glad she has done what was right.

“The two of us were sitting watching the news when John Swinney said her name we just thought, wow!”

 ??  ?? PROTEST Erin with a placard at the rally in Glasgow last week. Pic: Robert Perry
PROTEST Erin with a placard at the rally in Glasgow last week. Pic: Robert Perry

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