Daily Record

You are not menopausal, you’ve got a brain tumour

Mum told symptoms were hormonal


I fell but convinced myself I must have tripped over

DOCTORS told a nurse she was going through the menopause – but she actually had a brain tumour the size of a golf ball.

Anne Murdy was eventually diagnosed after months of going back and forth to her GP with a range of symptoms.

She is recovering at home after undergoing a 10-hour operation that has left her with double vision, ataxia and facial numbness.

Anne, 55, a nurse at Thornhill Community Hospital, near Dumfries, first thought something was wrong when she fell over in a supermarke­t car park last August.

She said: “I convinced myself I must’ve tripped over something, as I was in a hurry to collect my daughter, but something didn’t seem right about it.”

She also noticed her voice was becoming huskier and she would cry uncontroll­ably, even when she didn’t feel sad.

Anne said: “I went to see my GP, who told me the symptoms were hormonal, as I was approachin­g the menopause, and he gave me antidepres­sants.”

In January, she was finally sent for an MRI scan which revealed a large meningioma tumour, close to her brain stem.

Mum-of-one Anne said: “I suspected they must have found something in my brain when they took me out of the scanner after 20 minutes to inject me with contrast dye.

“There were moments when I crumbled.

“My husband John and I waited a long time to have our daughter, Star (who’s 15), and after waiting so long to become a mum, the thought of not being able to see my wee girl through university and her other milestones is unbearable.”

Anne is waiting on the results of her post-op scans and is organising a fundraisin­g event to help find a cure for the illness.

She said: “When I heard about Brain Tumour Research’s Do Lunch campaign to raise money for the charity, I knew it was something I wanted to be involved in.”


 ??  ?? SCARS Anne Murdy had 10-hour operation
SCARS Anne Murdy had 10-hour operation

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