Daily Record

Shocked to find out my mum was a sex worker


Dear Coleen

MY sister and I are in our 40s with good jobs and lovely families.

When we were growing up, we never had a father figure in our lives and, to be honest, it was never an issue.

Our mum always gave us the best of everything – clothes, jewellery, holidays, a private education.

It sounds crazy now but it never occurred to either of us, ever, to ask where all the money came from.

This year we lost her and before she died, she told us that when she spent three or four nights “working away”, she used to drive to a neighbouri­ng town, where no one knew her, and work as an erotic dancer.

That was bad enough but she was also a prostitute and performed in pornograph­ic films. In a locked case, we found all sorts of unbelievab­le clothes and sex toys, as well as some of the movies she’d acted in.

My sister said we were lucky to have had such a courageous mum who humiliated herself to give us a good upbringing.

She said lots of women marry men they hate just for money and she doesn’t see what Mum did as being that different. Mum left us a lot of money, which I suggested donating to charity, but my sister said she’d worked hard for it and it’s ours.

After she died, a man turned up, saying he was our father, and asked us for money. My sister told him to clear off or she’d call the police.

I’ve been to church and prayed but I have no other way of dealing with this informatio­n.

But every night, I think about my beautiful mum, selling herself for money. My family know something is wrong but how can I possibly tell them this story? I’d love your advice.

Coleen says

THIS must have come as a huge shock if you never suspected anything.

It’s frustratin­g because your mum’s gone now so you can’t ask her any questions and you can’t talk to her about her reasons for choosing to earn money that way.

I imagine you might feel some guilt because she was doing it to give you and your sister a good life but you mustn’t feel that – your mum made her own choices.

You sound like you want to talk to someone about it other than your sister, so I’d recommend talking to a counsellor to work through your feelings. It must feel now as if you didn’t really know your mum and that your childhood was built on a lie, which is hard to process.

To learn your mum had this whole other life you knew nothing about is mind-blowing. You might want to delve deeper into her background as a way of understand­ing her better.

As for your family, you don’t have to tell them if you don’t want to, but confiding in your partner might help.

“It never, ever occurred to us where money came from

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