Daily Record




EDUCATION Secretary John Swinney has held on to his job after surviving a no-confidence vote over the pupil grades scandal. He was kept in post after securing the support of the pro-independen­ce Scottish Greens. The motion was defeated by 67 votes to 58. Swinney was also personally backed in the debate by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. He faced calls to quit after presiding over one of the biggest debacles in Scottish education history. Following the cancellati­on of exams due to coronaviru­s, final results were calculated by a national “moderation” process. This system, devised by the Scottish Qualificat­ions Authority, led to more than 120,000 grades being downgraded on the basis of how a school had performed in the past. The reductions disproport­ionately hit pupils from deprived background­s and led to widespread public anger. Swinney apologised and announced the cancellati­on of all lowered grades, but he faced a no-confidence vote by Labour yesterday. In a heated debate, Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard said the motion was not about “personalit­ies” or “retributio­n”, but said Swinney had “failed” and “lost the confidence” of the chamber. His colleague Iain Gray described Deputy First Minister Swinney as a “damaged, part-time Education Secretary”, and called on Sturgeon to remove him. Opposing the motion, the First Minister described Swinney as one of the most “decent and dedicated people in Scottish politics”. She said the Government acknowledg­ed making a mistake and had apologised. Criticisin­g the call for a resignatio­n, Sturgeon said: “This is simply about politics.” Speaking for the Tories, who backed Labour’s motion, Ruth Davidson said the damage done to Swinney’s authority meant he had to go. Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie also spoke in favour of the motion. However, Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer, whose party had been early critics of the SQA system, spoke against the sacking bid. He said the Greens would have “nothing” to do with the “two-faced positions” of the parties supporting the motion.

 ??  ?? HELD UP HIS HANDS John Swinney during his apology in Holyrood earlier this week. Pic: Getty Images. Insets, our stories on scandal
HELD UP HIS HANDS John Swinney during his apology in Holyrood earlier this week. Pic: Getty Images. Insets, our stories on scandal COMING STAYING

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