Daily Record

Floody hell Del

Dons are taking in water at alarming rate as they float aimlessly towards 12-point deficit behind Hibs and the season from hell

- Michael Gannon

IT never rains but it pours for Aberdeen at the moment.

And if ever there was a scene to sum things up it was that wee car casually ploughing down a flooded Holburn Street in the Granite City and ending up floating around aimlessly.

The Dons are up the creek right now and desperatel­y searching for a paddle.

Boss Derek McInnes won’t be sitting on the couch at night, he’ll be hiding behind it waiting for the new wave of bad news to come his way.

The Covid Crew, Curtis Main getting crocked, loan striker Ryan Edmondson suffering a similar fate and getting sent back to Leeds.

A lot of their problems are selfinflic­ted but karma isn’t holding back on dishing out the retributio­n.

It’s been a nightmare start to the season up north and it’s left Dons struggling to stay afloat barely a few weeks into the campaign.

A lot of the focus has been on the damage Celtic’s own Covidiot might have done to their title challenge.

Neil Lennon’s men could be 11 points adrift of Rangers by they time they get the ball back out after Nicola Sturgeon clamped them.

But what about the football cost to Aberdeen right now? McInnes aims

The dark clouds over the North-East right now are not just down to the honking weather

high each season but realistica­lly the Dons are in a fight for third spot.

Their main rivals should be Hibs but the Easter Road side are already over the horizon.

They could be 12 points ahead by this weekend and that’s a huge gap to make up, regardless of how early this is in the campaign.

Points on the board are always better than games in hand, especially when they’ll need to be shoehorned into an already brutal fixture list.

McInnes has been badly let down by those players who burst the bubble and it has left the club under severe pressure playing catch-up.

The injury KOs just pile on the blows and it’s no wonder the dark clouds over the North-East right now are not just down to the honking weather.

Listen, there does need to be some perspectiv­e. The region is going through a miserable time right now. Going back into semi-shutdown on the back of a spike in the virus is grim after all these months in lockdown.

The train crash near Stonehaven the other day was devastatin­g.

Meanwhile, the oil and gas industry that props up the area’s economy is suffering.

These are real-life issues and the struggles of the city’s football team is way down the list of priorities.

But that doesn’t mean the punters can ignore it – or are not allowed to feel frustratio­n at a nightmare start to the season.

McInnes should be sitting in one of the safest hotseats in Scottish football but the game doesn’t work that way.

Kudos in the bank doesn’t last long and he has to deliver this year.

A couple of fourth-place finishes can hardly be classed as failures but the fact Motherwell and Kilmarnock grabbed third on a fraction of the resources doesn’t go down well with the guys in boardrooms. Aberdeen can still come back from this but they are going to have to do it the hard way. The postponeme­nts have left them in the slipsteam but it’s still better than having to play the matches with eight men in isolation and another few in the treatment room. The call-offs might have felt like a slap but it might actually have been the one decent break amidst a downpour of misfortune. They’re back next Thursday and it’s sink or swim time for the Dons, just like that wee red car.

 ??  ?? WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS McInnes and his men look like they have been cut adrift
WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS McInnes and his men look like they have been cut adrift
 ??  ?? MAIN PAIN Dons striker Curtis is out
MAIN PAIN Dons striker Curtis is out

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