Daily Record

Engaged to a woman but falling a man


Dear Coleen

I’M turning 30 in a few weeks and I’m engaged to a lovely woman. We’re due to get married in 2023 and we have a son.

However, over the past eight months, due to Covid and my job, I’ve become very close to a male work friend.

I have gone for dinner and drinks at his house and we get on really well. He’s also made a few comments regarding how I look, saying he thinks I’m good-looking.

We even stayed up all night one time talking about his family.

It was an unbelievab­le night – I felt a connection.

This isn’t something I thought I’d ever be interested in but lately I’ve found myself having different desires and feelings towards him.

He’s often rubbed my arm and my back and makes remarks about us going away for a work weekend together. I’m so tempted to say yes.

Previously, I’ve just thought of him as a friend but now I’m seeing him in a different way and I think he’s very good-looking and a really nice person. We also have so much in common and like the same things.

I’m really struggling with my sexuality at this moment and feel so guilty and ashamed.

Is there something wrong with me?

Coleen says

FIRST of all, there’s nothing wrong with you, so be reassured on that front.

However, you are clearly struggling with your sexuality and trying to process these feelings you have for another guy, so please don’t go any further down the road to marriage.

My next bit of advice is, don’t be tempted to go away for a weekend with your colleague or sleep with him behind your fiancée’s back. That’s not fair on her and it’ll only confuse you further.

You’ve already crossed a line with cosy dinners and affectiona­te touching. I think your workmate is making it clear he’s interested in you sexually.

If you want to explore your sexuality, then you can’t do that while you’re in a relationsh­ip with your fiancée. I think you’d benefit from being on your own for a while and having some time and space to work out what you want.

I realise you don’t want to hurt your fiancée or your son, and it’s a tough conversati­on to have but even if you don’t admit you’re attracted to your workmate, you have to tell her that you’re having doubts about the marriage and need some time.

What will hurt her – and you – a lot more is if you marry and you’re not happy and still struggling with your sexuality.

“It was an unbelievab­le night... I felt a connection

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