Daily Record

I told Sturgeon about concerns over Salmond in November 2017

Inquiry hears First Minister was informed months before probe started

- BY ANDY PHILIP Political Correspond­ent

NICOLA Sturgeon knew about concerns over Alex Salmond’s behaviour months before a formal Scottish Government probe into alleged harassment, an inquiry has heard.

Civil service boss Leslie Evans said yesterday she raised the issue with Sturgeon in November 2017 after learning about media interest in an “incident” at Edinburgh Airport.

It adds to growing questions about the timeline of events while the Scottish Government was drawing up a complaints policy covering ex-ministers.

Evans was appearing before MSPs on a special Holyrood committee set up to investigat­e the Scottish Government’s botched handling of its inquiry into allegation­s about Salmond’s conduct.

The former first minister was accused of harassment, which he denied. A judicial review then found the Government inquiry was biased and unlawful, and MSPs are now raking over the fiasco.

Evans, the first official to appear before the committee, said concerns were raised by “a whole range of people” in November 2017.

She told the inquiry under oath: “I was made aware of contact that had taken place between Mr Salmond and certain Scottish Government members of staff in very early November.

“He had contacted them because he wanted to talk to them about a piece of media work which was going on, which was being undertaken by Sky News.

“I was told by two different sources, one of them extremely concerned, that they had received this contact and they were a bit bewildered and unhappy about it. “I didn’t know what was said, I didn’t ask, I didn’t think it was appropriat­e to know.

“I mentioned that – that Mr Salmond had been in touch with staff about an Edinburgh Airport incident that Sky News were investigat­ing – to the First Minister.”

The claims, which Salmond denied, appeared in the media.

The Government reviewed its policies on complaints in October 2017. A review of complaints against former ministers was added in early November 2017.

A formal investigat­ion began in January 2018 and Salmond was informed that March. Sturgeon has said she knew about the probe that April.

Evans was asked about the decision to make the complaints process retrospect­ive, which allowed the inclusion of allegation­s against former ministers including Salmond, who was no longer in office.

Asked by Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton if the system was “designed to get Alex Salmond”, Evans replied: “No, absolutely not.”

Evans provoked frustratio­n among MSPs for saying she “can’t remember” some conversati­ons with key staff.

And she would not comment on allegation­s that women were advised not to be alone with Salmond.

At the start of the session, Evans said: “When complaints were raised, it would have been unconscion­able, and a failure in our duty of care, not to investigat­e those complaints.

“However, it was accepted at judicial review that one part of our procedure should have been applied differentl­y. I apologise unreserved­ly for this procedural failure.”

Labour MSP Jackie Baillie said: “The inclusion of former ministers to the policy appears to have been added at a point that coincided with the Permanent Secretary and others becoming aware of allegation­s made against the former first minister.

“It is the role of this committee to uncover how it came to be that the Scottish taxpayer was made to foot the bill for an expensive and botched investigat­ion.”

Tory MSP Murdo Fraser said: “We now know that Nicola Sturgeon was aware of Alex Salmond contacting Scottish Government staff in November 2017. Are we really to believe that the First Minister didn’t ask anyone what Mr Salmond was saying?

“It seems Nicola Sturgeon has been caught out by her Permanent Secretary and she must urgently come clean about what she knew and when.”

 ??  ?? EVIDENCE Leslie Evans appearing before committee of MSPs yesterday
EVIDENCE Leslie Evans appearing before committee of MSPs yesterday
 ??  ?? QUESTIONS Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans with Sturgeon. Inset, Salmond
QUESTIONS Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans with Sturgeon. Inset, Salmond

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