Daily Record

Husband David says accident is safety warning for all


A MUM was left with a bleed on the brain and horrific facial injuries after a horror cycling accident – and her husband believes her life was only saved by her helmet.

Carrie Smith, from Fraserburg­h, was thrown over the handlebars of her bike and knocked out on Mormond Hill in Aberdeensh­ire.

Emergency services rushed to the area on Tuesday and the mum of two young sons was raced by ambulance to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

Medics found she had suffered a bleed on the brain but no broken bones and is recovering in hospital.

Her husband David branded his wife’s helmet a life-saver as he took to Facebook to post about the aftermath of the accident.

One picture shows Carrie’s face bruised and red with her eye closed shut. Others show the damage to

BY JON HEBDITCH reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk the helmet, which is dented and covered in her blood.

The post has been shared more than 3000 times with hundreds of people wishing her a speedy recovery.

David said: “If one person survives an accident because they bought a helmet after seeing Carrie then it’s worth it. The boys have not seen the photo of their mum as they are very close to her and I don’t want them to be too upset.

“At first, Carrie did not want to wear a helmet because she thought she looked daft but I persuaded her to and now it’s just a normal thing to wear. I must thank the Scottish Ambulance Service and the staff at ARI for their assistance and care.”

 ??  ?? AGONY Carrie’s injuries are clear to see
Couple and dented helmet
AGONY Carrie’s injuries are clear to see WARNING Couple and dented helmet

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