Daily Record

I typed book using half a thumb after losing limbs to infection

Marguerite hopes story will help save others from disease and inspire recovery for victims


A GRANDMOTHE­R who lost four limbs after getting blood poisoning from a tiny paper cut has vowed to devote her life to preventing others suffering the same fate.

Marguerite Henderson, 57, had to have four amputation­s because the paper cut led to sepsis, which spread throughout her body.

The mum of two was a family support worker at Fife Council when she was left fighting for her life in early 2018.

She lost her left arm below the elbow and was left with just half a thumb on her right hand. Ten days later both her legs were amputated below the knees.

Marguerite now hopes a book she has written about her experience will help others.

Writing Sepsis Raw and Real was a long process as she typed all 80,000 words on her computer with her half thumb.

She said: “There are so many people having to live with the consequenc­es of having contracted sepsis. It is such a life-threatenin­g illness and can be so easily missed. ed.

“If you have any symptoms ask yourself self and ask the doctor, or, ‘Could it be sepsis?’, ?’, particular­ly if you u have any kind of injury, however small. l.

“It affects you so o quickly, every second d matters. I didn’t get to hospital in time and because my vital organs were starting to close down all the efforts were put into nto saving my organs. Thatat meant it went to my extremitie­sities and I had to get amputation­s.”

Marguerite has dedicated the book to the woman she credits with getting her walking again, her physio Kerry Murphy.

She added: “I hope the book helps people recognise hhow seriousi sepsisi is.i ButBtitit also l shows how you can face diversity and rise to the challenge. You have just got to keep fighting.”

Her ordeal started with a paper cut on the index finger of heher right hand that was so titiny that she doesn’t know how it happened. She noticed it on a Sunday night and by the next day there was a blister. By the Tuesday Tuesd she was too ill to make iti to her GP. On the Wednesday, Wednes oldest daughter Kim, 29, rushed her to A&E. Marguerite Margu spent six months in hospitalh before going home to a specially-built annexe at Kim’s house in Crosshill, Fife. She said: “I have had to adapt to a different way of life. I was a hands-on mum and was babysittin­g for Kim’s children. In the blink of an eye I am not working and I can’t drive.”

A year after her illness, Marguerite got sepsis for a second time.

She said: “Because I recognised the trackline, I went straight to casualty and was put on intravenou­s antibiotic­s for five days, which treated it effectivel­y.

“That’s the difference – if you get there quick enough you can change things for the better, rather than things ending up the way they did for me the first time.”

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BATTLE Marguer with ite grandch andin ild hospital

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