Daily Record

The secre everyone Ets to living longer that e should know about...

Forget the latest anti-ageing diet or sweating it out in the gym, Marta Zaraska has discovered the secret longevity – and it’s easier than you thi


IF YOU thought healthy living meant endless gym sessions and surviving on kale and spirulina, think again.

Research has shown the key to living a long and happy life is as much about spending time with friends and family as it is about diet and exercise.

“There are many biological links between our social lives and health,” said health writer Marta Zaraska. “The reason for that is we evolved this way because we’re a soc ial species. Just like chimpanzee­s, we function best when surrounded by others.”

Marta believes that when it comes to health, we have become too reliant on quick fixes.

“We are a society that likes easy solutions, and pills are perfect for that. You swallow something and suddenly, miraculous­ly, you live longer or you’re healthier. But unfortunat­ely that’s an illusion – there are no miracle pills,” she said.

But by focusing on our social lives, we may not only live longer but be happier too. Marta said: “The long- term benefits of developing your health through friendship, optimism and kindness are so much more rewarding because it also makes you happier.

“It’s more pleasant than finding the best supplement­s or miracle diets.”

Here, Marta shares her tips for living a long and happy life.


These days, we often use text messages or social media to connect with others. But picking up the phone more often could benefit our health. This is because when we hear the voice of a loved one, the body releases oxytocin – often known as the love hormone – in greater quantities than when we text or use social media.

So it’s much more important to hear another person’s voice for our health.


Loneliness isn’t just unpleasant, it increases our risk of illness too.

But if socialisin­g with others is difficult, especially when facing local lockdowns, there are things you can do to feel more connected.

Research shows that holding something warm or taking a warm shower can activate part of the brain called the insula, which links feeling socially connected to our temperatur­e perception.

This evolved because we used to huddle to keep warm, so our brain associates warmth with being close to others.


Kindness has an amazing impact on well-being. Being kind can lower blood pressure. There are lots of ways to be kind to others, such as baking biscuits for your neighbour or offering to do online shopping for someone who has trouble accessing the internet.


Having a diverse range of bacteria in the gut is known to boost health, from digesting food and fighting off illnesses, to preventing depression.

Fermented foods such as live yoghurt are known to improve the diversity of gut bacteria but did you know contact with others can be just as beneficial? This is

because humans exchange microbes while hugging. So hug those closest to you.


Research shows doing things with others boosts wellbeing more than doing the same activities alone.

Singing in a choir or dancing in a group fosters feelings of connectio endorphi dancing by Endorp health a painkiller a virtua or exer

on, and produces more ins than singing or y ourselves. hins are great for our as they are natural rs. So why not try joining al choir or doing a dance rcise class online?


People who are lonely are up to three times more likely to die prematurel­y. They have shorter telomeres, the protective caps at the end of chromosome­s which are involved in ageing.

What’s more, they have different expression­s of genes which are involved in inflammati­on and cancer progressio­n.

So instead of spending time researchin­g superfoods, share a meal and chat with family instead.


When researcher­s studied French woman Jean Calment, who died aged 122, they discovered a surprising secret – as well as having good genes, she tended not to worry.

Studies show optimism can prolong life by as much as 10 years, while avoiding dwelling on past mistakes boosts the immune system in the elderly.


Eating a Mediterran­ean diet lowers mortality risk by 22 per cent. But did you know that volunteeri­ng can have the same effect? Don’t try to calculate whether five portions of broccoli a week is worth the same as two hours of volunteeri­ng.

It’s the general spirit that counts – being social and mindful boosts health at least as much as traditiona­l healthy lifestyle factors.


Often when we think about Japan, the world’s longest living nation, we fixate on the diet.

But in Japan there’s a lot of focus on purpose in life as the driver of health, to the point that the

Japanese minister for health recognises the idea of having purpose in life as a health behaviour.

Research shows that people live longer if they have something to strive for, whether it’s career success, providing for children, doing charity work, or something else that is important to them.


If you want to live longer, try to find a romantic partner or work on your current relationsh­ip, as being happily married can lower your mortality risk by an amazing 49 per cent.

There are many biological links between our social lives and health. Oxytocin makes you feel all warm and fuzzy when you’re with your loved ones.

It reduces pain and has anti-inflammato­ry properties. It can also helps bone growth which could prevent osteoporos­is.

Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100, by Marta Zaraska

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