Daily Record


Nurse recognised for work he is doing to help staff and patients deal with the ppressures caused byy Covid-19 crisis


ANXIETY levels among patients and staff have been high as a result of the stress and trauma of Covid-19 but Stephen Donovan has been een doing his best to address this at the Institute of Neurologic­al Sciences in Glasgow.

As a mental health h practice developmen­t nurse, he was on hand to help co- workers and patients deal with the difficult past few months.

Within the Institute, staff see the extremes of neurologic­al conditions, which can be anything from a brain tumour, to a debilitati­ng neurologic­al condition such as motor neurone disease.

Since taking on his role last year, Stephen has been a great support to patients, relatives and staff alike.

Now he has been nominated by colleague Stephanie Mackay in the Care for Mental Health category in our 2020 Heath Awards.

Stephanie said: “During the pandemic, patients have had the added pressure of not having family members in to visit.

“Often, the biggest part of patient-centred care is feeling that you’re being listened to. Not easy when the wards are busy and short-staffed. Yet Stephen always is there to fill the gap.”

She added: “When in neuro cricritica­l care, families are oftoften terrified for the lives of loved ones.

“Stephen is always ready to proprovide the support they need to walk through this journey and await the news – good or bad.”

But everyone has suffered during isolation, including staff.

Stephen recognised this and provided one-to-one sessions.

He said: “For me, neurologic­al and mental health go hand in hand.

“There’s dedicated nursing staff who are all worthy of this award and I have never known a place or seen anything like it.

“It is one of the most extraordin­ary places I’ve ever worked in and that’s down to the fantastic team here.”

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SUPPORT Stephen Donovan has been nominated for award

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