Daily Record


Calls for probe of ‘reckless conduct’ as medic finally self-isolates

- By vivienne aitken

A DOCTOR with Covid-19 symptoms continued his rounds after being tested for the virus.

Patients at Belford Hospital in Fort William, left, have been told to self-isolate after his positive result.

Labour health spokeswoma­n Monica Lennon called for his “reckless conduct” to be investigat­ed.

PATIENTS at a Scots hospital have been forced to self-isolate after a doctor with coronaviru­s continued on his rounds after developing symptoms.

The doctor, who can’t be named for legal reasons, is understood to be a locum physician. It is believed he normally works in the Argyll and Bute area.

Last weekend, he was working in Belford Hospital, Fort William, when he reported to a staff nurse that he had symptoms of Covid.

He was immediatel­y swabbed for the virus but, despite showing symptoms, he was allowed to continue with his rounds in the combined assessment unit, where both medical and surgical patients are treated.

A hospital insider said: “He was allowed to see patients on a ward after he had his test, which came back positive. He should have been self-isolating.

“What kind of example does this send out to the general public who are trying their best to follow the guidelines?

“I don’t know how many patients were in there at the time but there were about four or five nurses and three auxiliarie­s as well as domestics and other staff. They were all swabbed and I presume the patients were too. “The staff nurse should not have allowed the doctor to remain on the ward.

“The ward can deal with anything from coronary patients to those with poor kidney function right down to someone getting a toenail off in a day case. But there is also a care of the elderly ward next to it and staff travel between the wards. It is a real worry.

“Staff are scared to speak out. They have been ordered not to discuss it.”

NHS Highland confirmed a member of staff at Belford Hospital has tested positive for Covid-19.

A spokesman said: “The member of staff is self-isolating at home. The member of staff was wearing full PPE when working in the ward. As a precaution, another member of staff has been asked to self-isolate.

“Some patients have been identified as close contacts and are self-isolating as per national guidance.”

Scottish Labour’s health spokeswoma­n Monica Lennon said: “Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms should self-isolate immediatel­y and get a test. Something has gone badly wrong if clinicians are not following this advice.

“We can’t have reckless conduct in our hospitals and this must be investigat­ed.”

Lib Dem health spokesman Alex Cole-Hamilton added: “I understand doctors and nurses have been under enormous pressure but this lack of judgment is inexcusabl­e.”

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CONCERN Belford Hospital in Fort William

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